Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (4): Warped by Maurissa Guibord

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine where you can post about upcoming books you're looking forward to.

The next book that made my list of things to read is one I stumbled across on Goodreads and am very excited about!

Warped by Maurissa Guibord
Things get weird after Tessa Brody's father buys a dusty old unicorn tapestry at an auction. The wild, handsome creature woven within it draws Tessa, and frightens her too. One day she pulls a silver thread from the tapestry and releases the unicorn. Only he isn’t one at all. He’s William de Chaucy, a young sixteenth century English nobleman with gorgeous eyes, a weird accent and haughty attitude to spare. Will was trapped in the tapestry by Gray Lily, a sorceress who stole the thread of his life and relies on its energy for her eternal youth. Now Gray Lily wants her unicorn back and she’ll do anything to get him.

If that isn’t bad enough “his lordship” de Chaucy seems to think Tessa is someone she’s not: the girl who trapped him so long ago in the forest. Despite the sparky chemistry between them he seems to have the strange idea that she’ll be his undoing once more. Maybe she will. Because there’s a connection, an attraction to Will that Tessa can’t deny. She’s even beginning to dream about events in a forest of long ago. Or is she reliving them? But Tessa knows one thing for sure. She could never be some heartless twit of a virgin who would trap a unicorn.*

I passed over this book a few times because the cover didn't excitement me but then I read the cover blurb. This looks like such a fun and easy read! It has a sort of Beauty and the Beast feel to it with the enchanted (spoiled sounding) prince and an evil witch who put him there. I'm in to it!

Warped comes out January 11, 2011.

*The summary above is from Goodreads.


  1. This cover is stunning, and I love the sound of it! Great pick :)

  2. I've been waiting for this one too! It sounds like a lot of fun. Great pick! ;)

  3. Oooh, this one looks awesome! i hadn't heard of it before, i'm adding it to my list!! thanks for sharing!

  4. Ohhhh, I like it! I'm putting it on my wishlist. I love your WoW pic by the way. Very sweet!

  5. I haven't heard of this one. Def. one to check out!

  6. Hey! I found you through Alissa's blog (and I think we're GoodReads friends too. Anyway, I wanted to say hi! Awesome blog. I bookmarked you.


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