Monday, August 23, 2010

Mockingjay!!! (A fangirl rant about an e-mail saying my copy was shipped) sent me an e-mail tonight at 8:30 letting me know my copy of Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins is being shipped!

I'm not usually all giddy fangirl over a novel (alright so there was that time I dressed as Trelawney and ran the Books-A-Million's release of Halfbood Prince... and Deathly Hallows... and that other time I volunteered to run Breaking Dawn release party for Books-A-Million even though I no longer worked there because no one else had read it... and that little tiny time I traveled all the way to Seattle (from Florida) to see Stephenie Meyers in her concert series) but The Hunger Games is an exception. That series is brilliant and I love it.

And wonderful just told me my copy is on the way. I'm not getting it the day it comes out but I did get it for $8.95 for pre-ordering it through so I'm not angry. I'm just excited! I hope everyone else who is getting it soon is just as excited!

Happy reading!


  1. lol I love that you're fanatic enough to dress up like characters and drive across the country. I always loved that spontaneous craziness you had, and I'm glad to see you still have it. :)

  2. Cannot express how excited I am for this book! I just went and got my copy and it is taunting me from across the room as I'm trying to do work. It wants me to read it:)


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