Monday, August 2, 2010

Comic Con 2010

I wish I was one of the lucky ones who got to go. Gamer Guy (my husband, also known as GG when I'm lazy) and I have wanted to but have never found our way out to San Diego. Now, I know a lot of people go there for what Comic Con has to offer as far as sneak peeks. Trust me, I get it. When I saw the movie trailer for Sucker Punch, I about died it looks so good!

But what I love most about Comic Con is the after. I love surfing the web for cosplay costumes. There's nothing cooler to me than seeing what people can come up with and how they make their favorite characters come to life. Over the years, I've picked up on some things. Here's my list of do's and don't's for the Femme Fatales of Comic Con.

What not to do:

  • Dig deep to find your inner Super Hero/character. Chances are, if it's the first character that came to you're mind then it's the first one that came to everyone else too. (I have nothing against these cosplayers. They all did awesome jobs with their costumes) Here are some worn out characters to avoid:

1) Slave Lelia- I know, I know, the Star Wars fans are screaming at me right now. I actually have nothing against this costume BUT (and I do mean butt) everyone and their mother wears it. If you want to go to the Con and meet a thousand others like you, then be my guest. But I'd say to stay away.

2) Super Girl- It's an easy costume so I can see why girls flock to it but unless you feel like being Super Bore, I'd suggest going with something different.

3) Wonder Woman- Again, I get it. This is a great costume, not too hard to make and if done right is a great way to show off that hard earned body. But, your grandma called and she's going to the party in the same outfit.

4) Cammy from Street Fighter- This is another really easy costume to make and probably to buy. She's a fan favorite and you know that outfit isn't got to allow you to be hot anytime soon. Unfortunately, everyone else knows that too.

  • Don't pick popular movies from the year you are going to avoid finding your doppelganger. 
  • Don't rush on your costume.
  • Don't forget to do your make-up. It really completes the outfit!
 What to do:
  • Do think outside of the box a little. If you want to do a popular character, try to find a different outfit than their normal one or put your spin on an old favorite. Check these ladies out:

  • Always try and match if you are going with some buddies. It always looks odd to see a mesh-mash of characters together but if you see a group of people who coordinated their outfits, it's always looks so cool!

  • Do pick a figure flattering outfit because people around the world are going to be seeing pictures on the web.
  • Do pick a character that is recognizable enough that most people know who you are!
  • Always pay attention to details for an amazing costume.
So, those are my tips. Below are some of my favorites!

For sheer attention to detail:

And because it's hilarious I leave you with this: Sometimes simple is best!


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