Friday, August 6, 2010

Book Blogger Hop: August 6-9, 2010

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books. The whole idea behind it is to link up your blog and check out others who did the same!

For those of you stopping by from the Hop, I want to say welcome! This is my first time participating in the Blog Hop since I'm relative new at blogging and I couldn't be more excited.

Feel free to have a look around my site. I'm 23 year old aspiring novelist and on this site, it's all about YA, writing, and movies! I'm really big into following people and (since I have a lot of free time currently) I'm always reading posts and commenting! I can't wait to meet you all!

This week's question is:

Do you listen to music when you read? If so, what are your favorite reading tunes?

I don't generally listen to music when I read. I find it too distracting. I do like to have the t.v. on very low for some background noise, especially when I'm home by myself.

However, when I'm writing, music is a must. I tend to draw on it for inspiration for tough scenes and will sometimes listen to the "right" song over and over (to the dismay of my poor husband).


  1. I adore your background!!! It is so cool!!! Going to look around now!

  2. Hi. Found your blog through the hop. I'm now following.

    You can find my hop here:


  3. I love your background. Have a great weekend!

  4. Just popping in via the hop to say hi! Welcome to the book blogging world:) I'm a huge fan of YA as well, so I'm glad to have found your blog and will be looking forward to more of your reviews!

  5. Stopping in from this weeks Blog Hop. Happy reading and I hope you have a great weekend!

    Stephanie G
    Paranormal Haven

  6. Welcome to the hop! I'm a new follower :)

    I totally get you-writing with music in the background really gets me going, too. Even when it's just papers I have to do for school. Music puts me in a better mood and helps me think better, I guess :)

    Have a great weekend!

    Erika Breathes Books

  7. Welcome to the hop community! I'm a new follower and I really like your blog design.


  8. Just Christian music for me---but only at the gym. When I'm home reading I like it quiet.

  9. Hopping back--and following back! I really like your design; it's cute and very easy to read. I'm looking forward to both your reviews and your writing progress (esp. since I'm an aspiring YA novelist myself!). Good luck!

    Mary @ Book Swarm

  10. Hi, just blog hopping through. Happy Friday!
    I listen to music mostly when I write, not when I’m reading. I listen to Celtic and Pirates of the Caribbean.
    Check out for Follow Friday and a featured movie clip.

  11. Hi there!

    Hopping by! Good luck with your blog! :)

    I'm a new follower!

    Happy Reading!

    - Mevurah

  12. I listen to the same song when I write too. The thing is that I have to drown out the sounds of life going on around me. When I'm writing, I generally need to keep my emotions in a specific place so I listen to a song that keeps me there.
    I like your site. The first time I looked I thought it looked like a cabin. As I look closer I see it for it's name. Nice! I'm a follower now. Good luck with writing. Hope you'll follow me


  13. Thanks for stopping by on the Hop! I find it interesting that a lot of readers can't listen to music while they read, but at the same time like to have music on while writing.

    Cool site design!

  14. Hi, welcome to the hop! I'm your newest follower. I also find it difficult to concentrate on reading with music playing (but wish that I could focus as well as some people can!)

    A Tapestry of Words

  15. Thanks for following and stopping by my blog! :]

    I'm glad you stopped by because I love finding new bloggers that also enjoy YA books. Also, I totally like the zombie vs. unicorn thing.

    Have a great Friday!
    I'll be following you, too.

  16. Hopping on by to say hello --- I like your blog! :) Looking forward to reading your future posts.

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Your layout is amazing. I'm a huge AIW fan and collect all things AIW. I even have a cheshire cat tattoo.

  18. Cute blog and name! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower :)

  19. Distracting is the word of the hop this week.

    I'm one of the rare music listeners / readers.

    Happy Friday. Come see how I listen to music when I read.

  20. Hi! I'm hopping over! Hope you're having a great start to the weekend and you're getting some writing done! :)

    - Midnight

  21. I listen to music sometimes when I'm reading, but only when I'm home alone. It's too quiet when my hubby isn't around. When I'm writing? Music is a must, and a cup of hot tea.

  22. Hello, welcome to the hop.I like the look of your blog. Have a good weekend.

  23. Thanks for stopping by and helping me on my quest to 100 followers! I made it! *Jumps for joy!* I'm following you back!

    Monica @ The Ramblings of a Book Addict
    **100+ Follower Giveaway**

  24. Thanks for stopping by, following me, and of course for the lovely compliment on my blog. I hope you enjoy Before I Fall, I thought it was a pretty great book myself.

    Have a great weekend!

  25. hello! thanks for stopping by my blog. just read your review of going bovine...which i read about half of and then got sidetracked by the release of richelle mead's SPIRIT BOUND and haven't gotten around to finishing yet...but you may have inspired me to do so! i didn't love cam in the first 50 or so pages...he reminds me too much of my high school boyfriend, heheh - but it sounds like he has a real transformation by the time it's all said & done. anyway great review...i'm a new follower, looking forward to reading more of your reviews!

  26. I love your background. Found you on follow friday. I am your newest follower.

  27. I'm hopping by. I know everyone has said it, but your background really is awesome!
    I don't normally listen to music while reading either.
    Have a fantastic weekend and please stop by my blog if you have a chance!

  28. Great blog! Love the layout! Welcome to blogging!
    Passing through to say hello.

  29. Hi! I'm a new follower--just stopping by from the hop! As music goes--I used to have music playing all the time, but now I prefer quiet.

    Looks like a fun blog!!! Hope you're having a great weekend!!!



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