Friday, August 13, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (2): August 13-16, 2010

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy for Books. The whole idea behind it is to link up your blog and check out others who did the same!

For those of you stopping by from the Hop, I want to say welcome!

Feel free to have a look around my site. I'm 23 year old aspiring novelist and on this site, it's all about YA, writing, and movies! I'm really big into following people and (since I have a lot of free time currently) I'm always reading posts and commenting! I can't wait to meet you all!

This week's question is:
How many books do you have on your "to be read" shelf?

I have to admit, I have a BUNCH of TBRs. Basically, I rarely let it get under 50. Currently, I've got 47 (but six books from Amazon on their way). I've got a mixture of old books and new books. I really try to read them in the order I bought them which sometimes works out but most of the time I lose excitement for some things and wonder why the heck I've bought them. Also, I tend to skip around if I'm super excited about a novel (you can bet I'll be doing that with Mockingjay and Matched).

Happy hopping!


  1. Well, I'm already a follower, but I'm still stopping by. :]

    I'm the same way in that I try to read my books in the order I bought them. Usually I stick to that plan, but it does put a delay on my reading schedule if I lose hype over the book I have to read next. Especially if it's for school.

  2. I'll definitely be reviewing Ballad, probably in the upcoming week - maybe in the next few days if I can finish a school book quickly. So no worries.

    It's actually the first book of Stiefvater's I'm reading, so I'm curious as to how much I'll enjoy it.

  3. Hey - just hoppin' by! Hope you have a great weekend! Stop by The Wormhole and say hi!

  4. Just wanted to comment about Devil's Kiss - I read it this spring - I enjoyed the story. It takes a different look at the Templars and roles people play - I hope you like it. Can't wait for your review.

  5. Hey!
    I'm your newest follower from the Hop and I absolutely love your blogs name! Alice and Wonderland is definitely a favorite of mine.

    Hope you have an amazing weekend!!


  6. Hi just stopping by to say you have a blog award on my site. Come check it out.

  7. I'm just hopping by from It's Time to Read!. Books from Amazon, yay! My husband doesn't let me buy books at the moment, thinks I have too many! Loving the Alice in Wonderland theme :-) Hope you can come visit me and have a good weekend!

  8. Happy Friday!!!--Stopping by from the hop!--Old follower!!! (within the last two hops) :)

    my tbr number is a little high right now, but to be fair, I'm also including all the classics and such that I'd like to read "someday." The actual pile on my desk is much smaller ;)


  9. I am hopping in for the blog hop. I'm a follower, too!

    I have many, many books in the TBR, and you just reminded me that I have 5 on the way from Amazon. Yay!

    If you have time, drop in and say hi at Manga Maniac Cafe

  10. Hey just stopping by from the Hop, I love your blog design and the header is hilarious! I'm a new follower and looking forward to coming back down the Rabbit Hole (:P lame I know sorry)
    Have a Fab Weekend
    In the Library of LadyViolet

  11. Hi, blog hopping through : ) ! Happy Friday!
    And don’t forget to check out my site to see my weekly featured movie clip, special announcement, and my answer to this week’s Blog Hop’s question.

  12. Hi! Stopping by from the Hop.
    I love your background! It's great.

    As for TBR piles, mine isn't that huge to be honest. I have a lot of books written down that I want to read, though!

    Have a great weekend.

    from Une Parole

  13. Happy Friday. Come see how many books I have on my TBR pile.

    I'm a new follower.

  14. Found you through the hop! I love your blog and am now a follower we have a lot of books in common please take the time to stop by my blog and follow back here

    have a lovely weekend! :)

  15. Amen on Mockingjay! Boy I can't wait for that one. :)

  16. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! =) I am now following you! I am also really excited for Matched and Mockingjay!!

  17. I just stopped by from the hop. About to go look around, but I wanted to say I like your layout.

  18. hi! i'm stopping by from the blog hops today!! have a great weekend! i'm a new follower :) love the alice in wonderland layout!

  19. Hi, already a follower but just hopping on by! Mockingjay and Matched are two of my most anticipated reads as well...can't wait!!

    A Tapestry of Words

  20. Hi. I'm stopping by from the hop. I'm off to browse your blog now.

    Come visit me if you fell like it.

  21. Thanks for finding me on the hop! I am a new follower now!


  22. Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower! I know it says that i'm reading The Forest of Hands and Teeth but I've really already finished it. I'm just too lazy to change it, haha. If you want to check out my review for it it's right here

    Thanks again for stopping by! And I'm a new follower :D

  23. Hey! Im stopping by from the hop and Im now a few follower.

    Hope you're having a good weekend!

    My blog is here:


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!