Saturday, October 27, 2012

Checking In: Whovember and YALLfest

Hey everyone!

I know it seems like I've been neglected my blog in October but the truth is I've actually been writing articles every day. They are just for the Whovember event going on all November. I seriously can't wait for this beast to kick off in a few ays so we can nerd out together. I've been a walking/talking fountain of random Doctor Who facts all month long and I think people are starting to get tired of it. I really hope to see all of you around and participating all month long!

Other order of business: YALLfest 2012! It is so close and I can't wait to head to South Carolina. I've asked before but any blogger know for certain that you are going now? It's be so rocking to do a blogger meet up but I haven't gotten too much response on it. Going to be some amazing authors there and I just want it be time already.

As a result of Whovember, I haven't been reading too much lately. Hopefully once I finish the last article I can finish up Defiance by C.J. Redwine which is awesome. I just haven't had time to read. Plus, I super need to start The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin so I can gush to her about Noah at YALLfest!

What have yall been up to?


  1. My Husband and I will definitely be at Yallfest. We went last year and had such a great time. This year he's actually into reading and wants to meet a few of the authors himself so we're even more excited!

  2. Congrats on winning the YALLFest contest! I live just 30 minutes outside Charleston and still can't believe an event this awesome happens this close to me! It was amazing last year, and this year looks to be even better.


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This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!