Friday, June 29, 2012

Awesome Tiger Lily News!

So you all know that I gave a rave review to Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson. It still tastes bittersweet on my tongue and it has been a few months since I read it. It's one of my favorite reads ever.

Well, HarperTeen wants you to get a taste too! They've added the first half of the novel. All you have to do is go here and start reading so you can discover the magic and beauty awaiting you. It's only up from 6/29-7/1 so act fast.


  1. I don't see any links. But cool of HarperTeen to do this!

  2. I've been seeing Tiger Lily everwhere, I'll definitely have to check into it. I won't look at it on HarperTeen because if I start reading and ger into it and have to stop I'll be sad, haha. So I'll see if its at my library and if not maybe buy it sometime soon. =D

  3. I'm so glad you liked this one! I'm part of the blog tour, and I just got this in the mail this week. Eeepppp!!! :)


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