Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Discussions: BEA

Normally I use these to answers other questions or to start up a conversation. But today, I want to talk about something and let you guys give me advice.

BEA sign ups just opened up this week. I've been saving to go to BEA since last year when I found out about it (I'd known about it before but never thought of going as a blogger) and am so excited to get to go this year. I've checked for the right hotels, scoured the site for information and read up on posts. I even joined a Goodreads Group hosted by Rex Robot Reviews to get my info and have been quietly reading through all the comments.

What I want to chat about today is if you know any good information or sources for people planning on going their first time.

This will be my first time and I am already feeling a little overwhelmed and it hasn't even started yet. I've been actively reading any tips and tricks I can get my hands on and praying I'll be able to navigate my way through the mazes of books and people!

The biggest thing I've learned so far is to be organized and be prepared for everything-- rude people, line cutting, meeting awesome bloggers, meeting industry professionals and everything in between.

So do you have a post with tips and tricks from last year I should read? Are you going this year? Are there any newbies out there? I want to know!


  1. I've never been to one of these... hopefully you will chronicle your experience as a first-timer :D

    1. You can bet I will! I have a feeling that I'll be using the words "ecstatic" and "exhausted" a whole bunch.

  2. I have wanted to go since last year. But then I heard some scary stuff and now I am to scared to go. I would have to do a lot to get there and I would hate to go and have a bad experience. I want to go and meet other bloggers, meet some authors, maybe meet some publishers, learn some blogger tricks, and yeah get a few books out of the whole deal. But as a BEA virgin I think I might wimp out without some super helpful soul to hold my hand the whole time. I guess I should have been doing more research like you have.

    1. I know there are going to be some bad experiences but I'm sure the good will definitely outweigh it. Don't let your nerves get the better of you if it's something you really want to do!

  3. I'm definitely planning on going to BEA this year too! I've also joined the GR group and like you, after searching for tips & such, I've pretty much come up with the same info. I just need to find a roomie soon! (If anyone's in the same boat, let me know!)

    I'm beyond excited! :D

    1. Awesome! I hope we get a chance to meet and I hope you find a roomie soon. I'm sending out positive brain waves your way!

  4. *raises hand* newbie here and I've been trying to read up also. I've signed up to go as a blogger. I'm checking for hotels and such.

    YAY so excited

    1. Me too! I can't wait to go check it all out. So glad there seem to be a lot of first timers this year.

  5. Yes, definitely organize yourself. I suggest consistently going to the BEA page to see info on exhibitors, signings, meetings and such. Things change even the day before so make sure to check the packet you get and postings in case anyone may be switching times of appearances or signings or if things may be canceled.
    Plan your stops ahead of time because believe me it flies, especially if you're waiting on line for a book or to meet a big name author. Anticipate that the big names like Laini Taylor, James Patterson, Joyce Carol Oates, Neil Gaiman will have SUPER long lines and thus try to get there early. And you may have to pick what you really want to go because a lot of times you want to do two things at the same time. If you have a friend going see if they may be able to snag items or save spaces for you.

    If you can, try to study the layout as well. Jacob Javits is HUGE and can be overwhelming. But if BEA will be on one floor rather than two floors like it used to be, then it may not be as intense. Block out time for breaks, snacks, and such because, like I said, time FLIES and you may see that you have no time to rest in-between. Also, take advantage of the bag check-in. You do not want to be hauling around a few dozen books all day only to have to worry about taking them to your hotel when you want to go to more post-BEA events and such. Try to be selective in the books you choose since you will have to carry and/or ship them later. You may find you picked items you weren't that interested in in the first place.

    If you can get to Jacob Javits the day before it starts to pick up your ID all the better since there'll be lines the morning the expo starts. And don't worry too much about getting there early on days unless there's someone/something you really want to see. A line will be weaving itself around the expo and they really don't open the doors until 9am on the dot for entry. If you're going as Press take advantage of the press room. There are snacks and drinks usually and a place to rest yourself without being bothered by self-published authors or anyone else who may see your badge and want to talk to you if all you want to do is get a few minutes to yourself.

    Sorry for the long comment but I've been to BEA several times these past ten years when it's in NYC and you learn how to weave your way around after awhile. It's a great conference, perfect for book lovers and you can meet some really cool people. Hope you enjoy it and maybe I'll see you there!

    1. Thanks! I love that this is really long comment. All of it is really good advice. *grabs pen and paper*

  6. I'm glad you posted this, as this will be my first time too, I was suppose to go last year went and picked up my pass on the first day but couldn't make it to the rest of the days since my baby sitter fell though =o( but this year I am planning on going and will have a back up baby sitter just in case. Thankfully I am only 15 min from the city and don't have to book a hotel I can commute but still more info is always a good thing =o)

  7. I'm a newbie too and will be there from June 5-7. We can definitely meet up and wander around together :)

  8. I'm going for the first time this year as well, so I hope I see a lot of you there! I'm not going to be able to make it on June 4 (*sad face*) but I'll be there from June 5-7. Hopefully we run into each other at some point!

  9. Don't let the few bad experiences scare you, as the majority of BEA is awesome! As we get closer to the event, you'll start to see posts with tips & tricks and offering planning help. BEA is a little overwhelming, but that's part of the fun! I think I overplanned last year, as my first year was more spontaneous and I found unexpected surprises. Last year was a little too rigid. This will be my third time and I'm still not sure what approach to take, but I know that either way, I'll have fun!

    I joined the Goodreads group too. Should be fun!

  10. I wanted to go to BEA, but my mom wants to go to Florida to see her grandchildren, so I am taking her there instead. I get to go to RT Booklovers convention in Chicago, so that is a close second.

    Have fun and it'll be interesting to read about it. I'm definitely going next year!!

  11. I've been three times. Ignore all the rude people, don't stand for the line cutting (although it's not really a problem), get there early and plan ahead. Make sure you prioritise what and who you want to see. I'm planning on going again this year - since I couldn't go to the Writer's Digest Conf and since I'm thinking of putting my book in the New Title Showcase. Good luck.

  12. Thank you for posting this!! I just registered yesterday and discussed BEA on my site yesterday as well. I am definitely overwhelmed because it is my first time going too. Maybe we could meet up somewhere. I have no clue what I will be doing at BEA and I am diligently reading everything I can get about the conference.

  13. I'M GOING!!! I have to wait until tomorrow/Tuesday to finish my registration to make sure my parents can go with me (stupid 21 yr old rule for getting a hotel) but anyway, I'm excited, I used that My Show Planner thing from the BEA website, and I'm hoping that'll help me remember which exhibits I want to see. I'm also getting that avid reader pass thing too so I can get the ticketed author things ahead of time. I'll be going to BBC on June 4, then staying til the 5th :) We should definitely catch up while we're there. I read Kristi's (The Story Siren) posts about BEA from last year, and that was helpful on what to expect too.

    1. I've been reading Kristi's tips too! Thanks for pointing them out.

      We must meet while we are there. I'm 99% sure I'm going to the Book Blogging Convention too so we'll have to hang out. I can't wait!


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