Monday, January 9, 2012

Bout of Books Mini-Challenge: Day 1- TBR pile

Today starts off Bout of Books Read-a-thon and I'm afraid I haven't been too productive yet. But that's going to change later tonight! I swear it!

So today's challenge is hosted by Once Upon A Time and it is to take a photo of your reading stack for the read-a-thon which is a prefect way to begin! Here's a photo of my overly ambitious stack:
It's not going to happen but a girl could dream. And let's not lie, a week with those books is like heaven!

Pages: 10 (?)
Number of books I’ve read today: 0
Total number of books I’ve read: 0
Books: 0

What's your pretty stack look like? Did you check out the giveaway for today?


  1. That's a lot of HarperCollins! lol Hope you enjoy them all! I really liked EVERNEATH :)

  2. Love stories in Everneath & Incarnate are awesome.

    Amy @

  3. I really enjoyed Everneath, and am totally jealous you have Never Eighteen, one of most most wanted....Here is my TBR pile!

    I also want you to know since I am here commenting-your blog is one of my favorites..I hope mine grows to be great like yours in the future..Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Incarnate and Tempest are on my list as well. I am super excited to read both of them!

  5. I keep seeing Everneath pop up. Not sure if I'd like it but I'm becoming interested!

    Once Upon A Time

  6. Nice stack! I really liked Everneath and will also be reading Incarnate for the challenge. Good luck this week!

    My TBR Pile

  7. Good luck! I really enjoyed Don't Breathe a Word, and I'm looking forward to hearing what you thought about Incarnate!

  8. I didn't know about this read-a-thon before now but I am reading Never Eighteen. Just got it today and wow is it breathtakingly beautiful! You must get to this one if you can manage it. Also, I recommend Incarnate. Have fun :D


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