Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bout of Books Finish Line

Well, this is the end! I wish I'd gotten more done (and I'm even a little late writing this) but things happened this week and it just didn't happen. No use crying about spilled milk though! Here are my results.

Total pages: 556
Total number of books I’ve read: 1 and a half
Books: Tempest by Julie Cross and The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe

I didn't completely finish The Way We Fall but I got a lot of the way through and was able to finish today (or I guess yesterday now). Over all it isn't too bad since I knew I wouldn't get through all my books but I wish I would have gotten the chance to read longer.

I did participate in most of the challenges which is fun and I plan on going through a lot of results to find new friends.

How did you do?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the late response, but thank you for co-hosting! I also only finished a book and a half due to other life stuff. Hope to see you at future Bout of Books. :)


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