Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bout of Books 3.0 Goals

I've never actually participated in this read-a-thon because I just haven't had time. This year though, not only am I participating but I'm also co-hosting a challenge and a giveaway! I'm really excited to.

What's great about this read-a-thon is that Amanda isn't asking for you to read all day, every day for an entire week. Rather, you can read as you normally would and update as you go along! 

For the schedule, you can go here.

To sign up with me, you can go here.

Now, onto the goals stuff. I'm a super slow reader so I'm going to list 6 books here and that is laughable. I usually get through 1.5 books a week because I've got loads of other things pressing me for time (as I'm sure we all do). But I figure, this is a good excuse to just make myself read. 


  • Tempest by Julia Cross
  • Don't Breathe A Word by Holly Cupala
  • Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
  • Wings of the Wicked by Courtney Allison Moulton
  • Never Eighteen by Megan Bostic
  • Everneath by Brodi Ashton
If I get even three of those finished, I'll be more than happy. But a girl can dream big, right?

  • Meet new bloggers
  • Tweet loads while reading
  • Participate in every challenge
  • Read a lot while I'm at work
  • Write reviews as I finish books
  • Always have little tag on hand to mark good places
I'm going to update as I go and at the end of each challenge, I'll put an update as to where I am!

Are you joining in with me? If so, what are your goals?


  1. Great goals. I have Incarnate and Everneath on my list too. Good luck!

  2. This read-a-thon sounds really cool. I don't think I'll participate but good luck to you and everyone else who does!

  3. I'm taking part in this as well. I did the end of the year read-a-thon just last week and I didn't read everything that I wanted. I'm hoping now that I'm out of my reading slump that I will have more time for this read-a-thon.

    Good luck on your goals.

  4. You've got some good goals! I usually add "have fun" to mine. ;)

  5. Great goals. Have fun with the challenge!

  6. I love your "mark good places" goal I may have to add that to mine. Have fun!

  7. I really want to read Don't Breathe a Word! I hope it's AWESOME! I hope you're doing well in this read-a-thon!

  8. You have so many great books on your list for the read-a-thon! I'm looking forward to (eventually) reading ALL of the titles you put up there, since they're already on my TBR list ;)


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