Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Teaser Tuesday (59) & Top Ten Tuesday (6)

TEAser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along, just do as following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others!
Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles!

Dark Eden by Patrick Carman
A few seconds later the screen powered down, and the blue room vanished from view.
Ben Dugan was gone.
--Pg. 73 of "Dark Eden" by Patrick Carman

I really wasn't sure about this one but so far, I'm enjoying it. I'll be interested to see where it's heading. I know something isn't right but I have no idea what it could be yet. Can't wait for Will to find out though!

What is your teaser this week?

Top Ten Tuesday is a 10's list meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. There is a different question every week and all you have to do is answer their question with your top ten results!
Top Ten Books I Had Strong Emotions Over
1) If I Stay by Gayle Forman- And I wasn't expecting for such a short book to kick me in the gut and tell me I'm happy about it. By the end of the novel, I could barely see the pages over the tears slipping down my cheeks.

2) The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin- For a lot of reasons, I just felt attached to this book. Everything about the prose and the character just felt real to me. I suffered with Mara and felt shock and love for her and her journey.

3) Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix by J.K. Rowling- Because Sirius Black wasn't dead. He just couldn't be. I mean, think about it... Rowling always gives us a body. We always see the remains after the soul has left this world. So naturally, when Sirius feel behind the veil, it shielded him from Bellatrix's curse and he'd be appearing again. If you haven't figured it out, I was VERY attached to Sirius Black. His death tore me in two.

4) Nightshade by Andrea Cremer- First I felt panic when the pages started melting away and things were going horribly, terribly wrong from Calla. Then I was just angry. How could Andrea Cremer put the main character that I'd fallen in love with in mortal danger and end the book? It really made me worried. I should specify that I was angry in the best way possible.

5) The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein- Again, I'm not usually a crier when it comes to books or movies. But this novel had me choked up by the ending. Beautifully written and completely touching, it will melt your cold, cold heart.

6) Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott- I was horrified by this novel from the beginning to the very last page. I finished it, looked up at my bedroom wall for about five minutes and immediately flipped it over and re-read it again. 

7) Twilight by Stephenie Meyer- I'm not afraid to admit it. The romance and intensity between Bella and Edward got under my skin and rooted into my imagination. I walked around like a zombie until I'd read all three novels (the fourth wasn't out yet).

8) The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins- Is any list I fill out complete without this novel? I was entranced, horrified and an addicted to this story. It made me smile and scream and I wanted a million more minutes.

9) Divergent by Veronica Roth- This novel just made me happy. The world was interesting but Tris's unwillingness to be lead to slaughter and her rebellious streak is what made this book for me. I loved being in Tris's head and taking chances. 

10) How To Say Goodbye In Robot by Natalie Standiford- This novel was oozing with intense happiness and connection and is also so resoundingly sad it sticks with you. I was partly angry at the end but still filled with hope. Those are the kind of novels I fall in love with!

What made your top ten?


  1. I've already read DARK EDEN and I still don't know how I feel. LOL! I hope you really enjoy it, Amber. It's a little twisted novel of a book.

    Also, DIVERGENT made me very happy as well. There was just something about Tris that was original and fun.

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  2. Great top 10 list and teaser! I've not heard a lot about Dark Eden but it has piqued my interest. A lot of books on you list would also be on mine. Thanks for sharing. Here's my TT: http://www.2readornot2read.com/2011/11/teaser-tuesday-nov-1-2011.html

  3. Great teaser and list! I have Divergent on my TBR and keep hearing awesome things about it.

    My teaser is here and my top ten is here if you'd like a look :)

  4. I had a really strong reaction to Living Dead Girl, too. It's just so horrific and beautifully told.

  5. Great list! I have read all of these books except for Nightshade. I loved Where She Went even more than If I Stay! Here is my list http://wp.me/pzUn5-BC

  6. I'm with you there on Sirius' death. I remember the first time I read the book the sense of shock I had when he died. I just couldn't believe she would do that! :(

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

  7. Nightshade had me going as well - I was completely torn over Shay and Ren and most of my emotions came from that frustration. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer definitely made my list - it got so many reactions out of me.

  8. Great teaser! Dark Eden sounds good, going to have to check it out.

  9. Great lists, we have some in common and some that I haven't read yet.

  10. I think Dark Eden is a fabulous read. Great choice for a teaser.

    Here's mine: http://www.stuckinbooks.com/2011/10/teaser-tuesday-11111.html


  11. I haven't read Mara Dyer yet, but it's staring at me from my bookshelf and after hearing that you became attached to it I might have to read it next. :)


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