Friday, November 18, 2011

Character Interview and A Giveaway: Sin & Dice from Swoon by Nina Malkin

It's only a slightly hostile takeover today on my blog as I celebrate all things Swoon-worthy. So it seems fitting to have Sinclair "Sin" Youngblood Powers and Candice Reagan "Dice" Moskow for an interview. If you missed it, check out my review of Swoon which posted earlier and get ready to hear all the steamy details of a This or That round.

I want to thank Nina Malkin and of course, Sin and Dice for participating in this interview. Some questions are mine, some are Nina's own special blend and all are awesome!


Candice Reagan Moskow, AKA Dice, and Sinclair Youngblood Powers, AKA Sin—heroine and hero (or is that villain?) of SWOON and spanking brand new sequel SWEAR—riff on each other’s picks for this, that…or sometimes the other thing.

Good kisser or good listener? 

SIN: It's fairly simple to teach someone how to kiss, but not how to listen. Yet listening is the keystone to understanding, and so crucial if romance is to develop and endure. This is something I learned—slowly, but finally—from Dice, so I’m sure she’d choose good listener. Of course, for she and I, kissing came quite naturally.

DICE: I’m tempted to say that Sin would pick kisser. But he’s changed so much lately…I’m going to go with listener!

Lights on or off?

SIN: On! My lady is not shy. She wouldn’t choose to deny her sense of sight. Plus, Dice is…what’s the expression? A morning person…

DICE: Hmmm…Does firelight count? See, our first time was in front of the fire, and I know that holds a very special place in Sin’s heart.

Mountains, beach or a tour of European cities? 

DICE: Sin is incredibly inquisitive. So for him to have his life cut short at18 was especially tragic. He’d been all set to brave the frontier, apply his pioneer spirit—but he only got as far as Swoon, and we all know how that worked out for him! So I’d say his dream vacation would be to ramble around Europe, see some amazing sights, have some real experiences. Only he’d ditch the tour guide straight off.

SIN: The beach, surely. Considering that my lady recently—and mysteriously, might I add—learned to swim.

Bath or shower?

DICE: Bath for Sin. He’s the ultimate sensualist; he likes to luxuriate. Life was hard for him growing up, so now he’s all about indulgence.

SIN: In this hurry-up modern world Dice is as apt as the next person to grab a quick shower and be done with it. But I know her. She enjoys bubbles, and scent, and candles. And she likes the water very hot.

Silly or satirical?

SIN: My lady is intelligent, analytical and at times quite serious. So it may come as some surprise to hear that she is all about this silly. She enjoys bawdy jokes. And slapstick? Zounds, don’t get her started on those Three Stooges.

DICE: Satire is defined as the use of wit to attack the vices and follies of humankind. And Sin’s whole reason for being in SWOON was to attack the vices and follies of humankind. Of course, his attack was a lot more literal, but I’d still say he goes for satire.

Car, plane or foot?

DICE: Plane! Seeing as how he was born in 1751, Sin’s never flown before. And he’s definitely the type to do what he’s never done before—whatever it is.

SIN: Foot. Dice still doesn’t drive, which suits her fine. She does all she can to reduce her carbon footprint, and from what I understand about New Yorkers, they’re all big pedestrians.

Being alone or being stuck with someone you hate?

SIN: Alone. My lady does not suffer fools.

DICE: Alone. Sin’s spent a lot of time alone, so he’s used to it. And I can’t imagine a worse hell for anyone than being stuck with an asshole.

Coffee or hot chocolate?

DICE: Coffee. He’s a fiend.

SIN: Any other time that morning, Dice would choose hot chocolate. My lady has a sweet tooth. You do know of her Cocoa-Puffs obsession?

Pen or pencil? 

SIN: Pencil. A year ago, I would have said pen, since Dice believes in loyalty and would want it in ink. The things she struggles with in SWEAR, however, may lead her reassess her perspective on promises.

DICE: Pencil. Sin is…let’s just say he’s prone to mistakes. He’d want the erase option.

Black, white or gray?

DICE: Sin is prone to extremes, and he definitely has a dark side, so: Black.

SIN: Gray. Dice is adept at recognizing and navigating the gray areas of existence.

Now or then?

DICE: Sin is not nostalgic. He’d say now.

SIN: Now. For the first time, Dice and I have an opportunity to be together without an agenda. She is enjoying it—and so am I.

What one quality do you admire about the other? 

DICE: Sin appreciates what he calls my nobility. Though to me, it’s just honesty. I say what I mean; I mean what I say. My game is no game.

SIN: Dice enjoys my innocence. Don’t laugh! I’ll not deny that I’m a man of some experience, and there have been times I’ve felt compelled to…scheme, I suppose. But my approach to life, especially its pleasures, is most natural, ingenuous.

What is the other’s biggest fear?

DICE: Sin fears injustice. He’s been on the receiving end, and it’s awful.

SIN: Lies. Dice would prefer a brutal truth to a tender lie.

Nina Malkin is the author of five YA novels, one novella, and an adult memoir.  Before turning to books, Nina was a journalist specializing in entertainment, pop culture, and lifestyles.  She has held executive positions as an editor and writer at CosmopolitanElle, and Teen People, and her work has appeared in Entertainment WeeklyThe New York TimesSeventeenReal SimpleIn Style, and numerous other publications.  A New York native, Nina lives in Brooklyn with her musician husband and assorted felines.  Find out more at and follow her on Twitter at @SwoonAuthor.

Giveaway Time!

I'm offering up a SIGNED Swoon and SIGNED Swear to two lucky people (1 person will get Swoon, the other Swear) I want to thank Nina Malkin for the interview and Simon and Schuster for providing the novels!

  • US giveaway only (sorry, international folks! Next contest will be international though)
  • Must fill out form
  • Must be 13 years or older
  • May only enter once

Good luck and swoon on!


  1. Character interviews are always so interesting - you just never know what they're going to come up with! Thanks for the insightful answers, Sin and Dice - can't wait to read Swear!

  2. Love a good this-or-that! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  3. This romance is so different than what I've read up to now...can't wait!

  4. The interview made me want to run out and get the book!

    great giveaway
    follow via gfc

  5. I love the interview! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. I love character interviews. They give a great sense of the characters' personalities and the author's writing style. Sin and Dice seem to have great chemistry. Can't wait to read this.

  7. I love Swoon I would love to own both books so I can also read Swear thanks so much for this giveaway :D

  8. Thank you so much for this giveaway. I love character interviews. I am just so bad at coming up with questions for them.

  9. I love your blog so much, I have extended an award to you!
    Follow the link to see the details.

  10. i love your blog and all the stuff you write about!!!! im always looking forward to your reviews

  11. Really cool character interview. I really enjoyed the variety of questions. I would so be going hot chocolate all the way though, boo coffee!

  12. What a fun way to do a character interview. Loved it and want to meet these characters in the pages of this book.


  13. Sin is my kind of character :D i would just melt.

  14. Love the interview! The back and forth here makes me want to read the books right now! Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. I always love character interviews I think everyone should do them. Great interview, very cute and funny. Thanks for the giveaway

  16. Loved the interview! Now I really want to read Swear! Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Loved the interview! Sin and Dice are so cute! I can't wait to read about them! And thanks sooo much for the chance! You don't know how badly I want to win Swoon . . and Swear! :DD

  18. Just letting you know you received the One Lovely Blog Award

  19. Great interview! Definitely adding Swear to my TBR list on GOodreads! Thanks for the giveawa y!

  20. greta interview i so wanan read these books ive heard so much about them

  21. Thank you so much for hosting this great interview and amazing contest! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Swear!

  22. I loved this post! It's really interesting to see what Dice and Sin would say about each other, even though most of it was kinda obvious :) Thanks for the contest :D
    melocin94 at aol dot com

  23. Love the interview. The going back and forth is awesome especially since they answer for the other. That shows they actually know each other which is great. Can I just say that I love Sin? Lol

  24. thanks for the giveaway!!

  25. I always love reading character interviews because it's suck a great way to get to know them and experience their character voices. And these two sound fun!

    Thanks for the giveaway op!


  26. what a cute interview! i have to get into these books. thanks for the interview + giveaway!

  27. I love, love, love Nina and of course Sin & Dice! But Nina is one of the most gracious authors I have ever come across. She is awesome to her fans. And her books are amazing!!

  28. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I can't wait to read Swear!

  29. I love character interviews. They give added insight into the characters and what they are really like. Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. I love the character interviews! Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. I love character interviews, gives me so much mor insight into the characters and what I've read is making me want to hurry up and get my hands on these books!!!

  32. Ha! I love it! Thank you so much that lovely interview. I love Dice, but Sin has such witty comments. I love it. Thank you!

  33. This review allowed me to get to know Sin and Dice even more and I love them! They are such unique characters and I love character interviews! I haven't read Swear yet but I adored Swoon so I hope I get to the next one soon!

  34. These books look so great! The covers are gorgeous, and I really love the colour scheme :D The interview's awesome! I love character interviews... :D Thanks for the giveaway Amber!

  35. That interview was so cute. Sin and Dice seem like the cutest couple<3 Thanks for the giveaway! :))

  36. Okay, so first of all- I envy Sin's name! It's so cool!
    Secondly, lol, "Good kisser or good listener?" haha
    I love these type of interviews! Funny yet informing! Cannot wait to read this soon!
    Oh, and I didn't know Nina worked in so many magazines- No wonder she seems so familiar!

  37. Cool interview! Swoon & Swear are now in my TBR pile. Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. What a great interview I have always wanted to read these books! Great giveaway thanks for the chance!

  39. OHHHH! The covers are so pretty!!!!!!! XD Plus Swoon and Swear have been on my TBR list!

  40. I like how Dice often answers thinking about Sin thanks for sharing this very informative interview this made me want to read the series more! XD

  41. Great interview! I really want to read these books! I would have picked black as my color of choice!


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!