Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lucky Number 7 Mini Challenge

Jessi over at The Elliott Review is hosting a mini challenge for Princess Bookie's Contest Craze. I thought this one sounded like a lot of fun and wanted to join in.

So here's what you do:

  • Open the book you are reading to the 7th page and find the 7th word (unless it's an "a" or "the")
  • Use that word and google images
  • Share the image, book and the word in a blog post. 
My books is:
A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies

7th word on 7th page: GLOW
I cheated and tried my luck with Deviantart as I wanted to see what kind of images the word produced. It did not lead me wrong. Now I'm going to link up and see the other entries!


  1. i just got an arc of this one! hope it's good!

    stop by my blog! i have some original stock photos i found that were made into book covers!

  2. Great picture! Thanks for stopping by my blog! And btw, your blog design is AWESOME! So original. New follower :-)

  3. Oooh, nice one. Pretty glow! And it sort of fits the premise of the book I'm currently reading. Love your banner!:)

  4. LOVE! I think that picture looks so pretty :)

    Be sure to check mine out later :P


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