Sunday, August 21, 2011

Impromptu Read-A-Thon #2 Result Post

Sorry this is so late. I just got off work and ran out of time to update it this morning. I didn't do as well as I hoped I would this time around. My friend and I were a little weak willed and decided to go see a movie during the middle of our time alloted to reading. (On a completely different note, Fright Night was flipping awesome!) Also, my house decided to leak during the middle of this so we had to take an hour and a half to clean up that. So take a look at my results!

Finished last 177 pages

40 pages into Sweet Venom

Pages read: 217
Time allotted: All in all I'd say about 5 hours
Books finished: 1
Goals reached: 1/3

I'm not sure happy with the results this time around but it was definitely worth doing and I'll do it again in a few weeks. I'm going to give everyone until tomorrow at 10 pm to get in your finish posts and then I'll pick a winner. Thanks for participating!

I'll probably do this again in a few weeks when I have another weekend off.


  1. it was fun especially reading a fun book

  2. I would love to join your read a thon but I tend to read slightly later in the evening like at 11:00 pm til I get tired or I stop if I have to get up early. Cool idea though!

  3. I so need to take part in one of these!

  4. I would love to take part in Read a Thon ! :~)

  5. You still did really well Amber! My finishing post is up now.

  6. The rafflecopter thing won't work for me but here is the link to my finish post-


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!