Wednesday, July 20, 2011

YA Bachelor: Jay from The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting, Interview and Giveaway

Our bachelor today is Jay from The Body Finder series by Kimberely Derting. The amazing Ashley from Book Labyrinth was kind enough to host Jay and remind us all why we love this super sexy best friend!

Our YA bachelor for today is Jay Heaton, featured in Kimberly Derting’s The Body Finder, Desires of the Dead, and the upcoming The Last Echo.

There are so many amazing things about Jay, but let’s try to categorize his awesome-ness down into a few categories.


Interestingly enough there is no specific description of Jay in The Body Finder or in Desires of the Dead. We know that during a “summer metamorphosis” he has become Hot with a capital H, but there are no specific hair or eye colours given.

Here are the things we do know:
  • extremely good looking (the summer was very kind to him, and to the girls who get to look at him)
  • tall and lean
  • sideways grin; he smiles easily
  • messy hair
Whatever specific physical attributes Jay has, you can tell that he’s a warm and friendly guy just by looking at him. He has that easy boyish charm with a newly developed sexy edge.


Jay is, in a word, loyal. He’s been best friends with Violet since they were 6 years old, and he’s always kept Violet’s secret “even though he’d never been told to” (TBF p. 13).

Violet describes Jay as “someone who never wavered and never questioned. Someone who was always there … being supportive, and funny, and thoughtful” (TBF p. 63).

Jay is sweet, funny, and smart, but he also has a confident no-nonsense side. He’s not afraid to get a little bit bossypants if it means protecting Violet.


Jay looked serious for a moment, and then he winked at her. “It’s good being one of the beautiful people, that’s all.” (TBF p. 91)

I was just waiting for you to want me as much as I wanted you.” His words were quiet but carried one hell of an impact. “I knew we were going to be together; it was just a matter of time. I kept hoping that you would figure it out. But for a smart girl, you’re a little dense, Vi. (TBF p. 162)

He was suddenly serious, his tone determined. “We’ll never be just friends again, not if I have anything to do with it.” And then with conviction he added, “I love you too much to go back now, Vi.” (TBF p. 202)


Sweetest Nice Guy

Violet describes Jay as “the best person she’d ever known” (TBF p. 17). That’s some mighty high praise, isn’t it? Well, Jay is a sweetheart whose actions live up to the high regard Violet holds him in.

Jay starts to carry Violet home when she’s hurt and then holds her hand to make sure she doesn’t fall again. He then proceeds to very gently clean out her scrapes and put band-aids on for her.

If these things don't convince you, let me share a little passage that no doubt will:

Jay had been the one who kept Violet sane. He slipped candy bars into her backpack for her to find and left little notes in her locker just to let her know he was thinking about her. She leaned on him every step of the way, and he never once complained. (TBF p. 63)

This is Jay just being a friend! Violet isn’t even his girlfriend at this point and he is already this adorable and kind.

Favorite Regular Guy

Jay might be part of a series where the main character senses dead bodies, but Jay himself is just a regular teenager. He’s a good student, he likes video games, and he works part-time in an autoparts store. Violet even admits that Jay makes her feel safe, secure, and normal. If Jay can make Violet feel normal, then he clearly deserves to be your Favorite Regular Guy.


You know what’s sexy? A guy who doesn’t need to be in charge all the time. A guy who respects his girlfriend too much to push things physically, even when he could get away with it. A guy who’s not afraid to let his girlfriend’s family know that they’re together because he loves Violet so much. A guy who, when necessary, will step up and protect Violet physically. A guy who takes care of the house for his Mom, because he’s the only man of the house. A guy who is sweet, gorgeous, and amazing, but is completely unaware of his own charm.

If you agree, you definitely need to vote for Jay in the Sexiest category.

Best One-Liner

I was just waiting for you to want me as much as I wanted you.” His words were quiet but carried one hell of an impact. “I knew we were going to be together; it was just a matter of time. I kept hoping that you would figure it out. But for a smart girl, you’re a little dense, Vi. (TBF p. 162)

Please also consider Jay for the categories of Change My Mind & Overall Favourite.

Here are some other guys who would make a lovely Jay:

Ashley was able to sit down with Jay and chat for a bit. I think you'll enjoy what came out of that!

Hi Jay, thanks so much for agreeing to be interviewed!


My first question is: what do you think about being voted into the Top 20 YA Bachelors?

It was a big surprise for me. Thanks, everyone, for voting me in.

So who are your fictional crushes? (I promise I won't tell Violet!)

If I had to choose, I would say Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games. She seems pretty interesting and I’ve always wanted to learn to shoot a bow. I guess I’m just drawn to girls who are always getting themselves into trouble.

Since this about YA Bachelors I thought I would ask you some dating game questions. Here's the first: What is your favourite thing about yourself?

Wow, I don’t really know what to say. Umm…I guess I’m pretty loyal. Did I just make myself sound like the family dog? Great, Violet will never let me live this one down! I can practically hear her saying “Who’s a good Jay?”

What have you always wanted to do but haven't yet?

I’d like to travel with Violet to some tropical island somewhere. She's never surfed before, and I'd love to teach her.

If you were stuck on a desert island, which 3 items would you bring with you if you could?

Hmm…since I’m guessing that Violet isn’t on the island with me, I’d better choose a boat, a cell phone…and a surfboard. (Hey, I might as well have a little fun before I head home to Buckley.)

Describe your perfect date.

Any date where there isn’t a dead body is a pretty good start. Other than that, I’m more of a hang out with a big bowl of popcorn and a cheesy movie kind of guy.

Finally, getting a little deep: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

It’s hard to think that far ahead, but I’d love to have kids someday. And a loyal family dog of course. :)
Win a signed copy of Desires of the Dead by Kimberly Derting

  • Must be a follower
  • Must be 13 years or older
  • May only etner once
  • This is International
  • Contest ends July 30th

Thanks to Ashley from Book Labyrinth for hosting Jay! Make sure you stop back when voting opens and cast your votes! The more categories you vote for, the more entries you'll get for a chance to win one the voter's giveaway at the end of this entire event. For the schedule and more info, check out The Master Post here!


  1. I haven't actually read the book D: BUT omg Jay sounds so awesome!

  2. Aw! I knew this series was on my TBR list for a reason. Jay seems like such a nice guy... and I'm a serious fan of nice guys. :) Now I want to read the books even more! Thanks for the post!

  3. Wow! Can't wait to meet Jay!(When I read the book) Hope I win!

  4. I'm curious about this book now.
    Thanks for the International giveaway!

  5. I've been meaning to read this series for a VERY long time! So glad the guy's swoon-worthy ;)

  6. Wow! I do love some Jay. I have to say, he is probably the ideal boy. Great post! Thanks.

  7. I definitely have to pick up Desires of the Dead soon! Jay would definitely be one of my book crushes, even after only reading The Body Finder! Great interview with him though ;)

  8. Oh I LOVE Jay. This was a great post!! Thanks

  9. I like the guy you chose for Jay. The name escapes me right now, but I think he was in 90210. Mmm, nice.

  10. Thanks for answering my questions, Jay! =)

    mimz -- you're correct! It's Dustin Milligan.

  11. Jay is such a sweetie, just the perfect guy for Violet, love how unaffected he was by the attention he was suddenly getting from girls because he was just waiting for Vi. So protective of her, i was almost screaming at her to open her eyes!! love these characters, love the books and your choice for Jay? a big YES!!!

  12. I love Jay :). He was awesome in The Body Finder! I love how he'd bring a surfboard with him to a desert island :P. Thanks so much for this!

  13. This Jay guy sounds and looks awesome!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. I loved The Body Finder and Jay. I still haven't read the sequal, thanks so much for the giveaway!

  15. Love Jay! okay so I'm only a few chapters into The Body Finder, I really have no idea why it took me so long to pick it up and finally I had to. So I guess right now my relationship with Jay is a big crush but by the end of the book I expect to be in love and adding him to my list of YA guys! So far Jay is definitely YA bachelor material! Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. This interview makes me love Jay more than I already do.

  17. I love Jay and all the nice guys like Peeta but I have to say, I'm more of a bad guy lover. But! I think Dimitri from Vampire Academy is a good combination of both.

  18. I've been meaning to start this series for a while but I definitely want to check them out for Jay!

  19. Jay really is one of those crushes that I would love too love, I just don't everyone thinks hes so great.

  20. I have heard so many good things about these books :D
    Great contest

  21. I've been meaning to read this series, since the first review of The Body Finder that I saw. I'm definitely going to have a look and see if I can locate them in the UK while I'm there on holiday! :)

    Jay sounds lovely! And thanks for the giveaway!! :)

  22. Jay sounds really cute! Now I'm very curious to read this book. ;) Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

  23. Fabulous!!!!


  24. Great post and thanks for the giveaway!!!

  25. Thanks for this amazing giveaway! I love how you've added information about Jay, he's gorgeous too ;) haha I hope I can win!
    - Sahina

  26. I love Jay, haven't read desires of the dead. Nice interview

  27. Somehow I can't think of this actor as loyal because for me he'll always be ETHAN from 90210 who left naomi for anne! :P

  28. I love Jay! But I haven't read book 2 yet!


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