Sunday, July 31, 2011

In My Mailbox (48)

In my mailbox is a weekly meme created by The Story Siren that encourages other book bloggers to share what they bought, won, begged for or borrowed. It is usually held on Sundays!

No vlog this week because I came down with The Plague (read: a cold) and can't stomach the screen time. So here's what I got in my mailbox!

From Simon & Schuster:
Dreams of Significant Girls by Cristina Garcia-

Brought together each summer at a boarding school in Switzerland, three girls learn a lot more than just French and European culture. Shirin, an Iranian princess; Ingrid, a German-Canadian eccentric; and Vivien, a Cuban-Jewish New Yorker culinary phenom, are thrown into each other's lives when they become roommates. 

This is a story of 3 paths slowly beginning to cross and merge as they spend the year apart, but the summers together. Through navigating the social-cultural shoals of the school, developing their adolescence, and learning the confusing and conflicting legacies of their families' past, Shirin, Ingrid, and Vivien form an unbreakable bond. 
This story takes readers on a journey into the lives of very different girls and the bonds that keep them friends..
This was a complete surprise in the mail. I'd never heard of this book but I can't wait to dive in because it sounds awesome! I love the diverse ethnic groups of the three girls and I already want to know more about their lives. 

From Harcourt Children's Books:
Dark of the Moon by Tracy Barrett-

Ariadne is destined to become a goddess of the moon. She leads a lonely life, filled with hours of rigorous training by stern priestesses. Her former friends no longer dare to look at her, much less speak to her. All that she has left are her mother and her beloved, misshapen brother Asterion, who must be held captive below the palace for his own safety.
So when a ship arrives one spring day, bearing a tribute of slaves from Athens, Ariadne sneaks out to meet it. These newcomers don’t know the ways of Krete; perhaps they won’t be afraid of a girl who will someday be a powerful goddess. And indeed she meets Theseus, the son of the king of Athens. Ariadne finds herself drawn to the newcomer, and soon they form a friendship—one that could perhaps become something more.
Yet Theseus is doomed to die as an offering to the Minotaur, that monster beneath the palace—unless he can kill the beast first. And that "monster" is Ariadne’s brother . . .
This is one I'd requested. I was delighted to see a finished copy waiting on my doorstep for me and can't wait to read it.  I adore the idea of potential lover having to kill brother who is a monster. Amazing!

Big thanks to Simon and Schuster and Harcourt Children for sending me the amazing book in my mailbox this week. What did you get in your mailbox? 


  1. Both of these books look awesome! I haven't heard a lot about Significant Girls yet but it looks really good ^-^

    I hope you enjoy!

  2. I haven't heard much of these before, but Dark of the moon sounds amazing. mine is here:

  3. I hadn't heard of 'Dark of the Moon' -- it sounds really interesting, though! Can't wait to hear your thoughts. =)

  4. Great books this week! Both look really good, happy reading :)

    New To My Stash

  5. Dreams of Significant girls sounds interesting..hmmm.. enjoy them!

    hope you could drop by my IMM:

  6. Awesome books this week. Dreams of Significant Girls looks like a great read. Happy Reading

    Ange @ the Moonlight Reader
    My IMM:

  7. Ooh love the sound of Dark of the Moon, it looks great, I hope you enjoy it! Happy reading :).

  8. I've heard little of this book. I really am curious about it.

  9. Happy reading.

    Lydia @ Sensual Ride


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