Thursday, June 2, 2011

Epicness from Hot Topic

I ordered a bunch of t-shirts from Hot Topic last week because they were having this really great sale. I wanted to share them with you all. Be warned, the epicness which is to follow is hard to take in all at once. Going through them literally hurt because I was so hearts and kisses with them!

There were tons more I wouldn't have minded ordering but I got the ones I loved most that were on sale. Next I'm going for a Team Damon t-shirt AND two Hunger Games t-shirts. I'll tell you what though, I loved opening that package by my front door today though. It made my week!


  1. I'm completely in love with the first one!!

  2. I love Hot Topic. I actually own the Compel Me top (boyfriend hates it, ofcourse), an I Am Number Four t-shirt(not the one you pictured: and the Salvatore ring from VD.

    -Mocha from A Cupcake and A Latte: YA Reads, Reviews & More!.

  3. I love T's for The Vampire Diaries!

  4. Those shirts are awesome! :D I'm absolutely in love with the Reptar shirt, I loved Little Rugrats! :D

  5. Hahahaha I don't know if I would be able to actually wear that shirt with Alex Pettyfer on it or if I would just decide to hang it on my wall.... :P


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