Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Time Will Come (1): Gimme A Call by Sarah Mlynowski

The Time Will Come is a weekly meme started by Books for Company which spotlights books that have been sitting unread on our shelves for too long.

From Goodreads:
A new life is just a phone call away!  
Devi's life isn't turning out at all like she wanted. She wasted the past three years going out with Bryan—cute, adorable, break-your-heart Bryan. Devi let her friendships fade, blew off studying, didn't join any clubs . . . and now that Bryan has broken up with her, she has nothing left.

Not even her stupid cell phone—she dropped it in the mall fountain. Now it only calls one number . . . hers. At age fourteen, three years ago! 
Once Devi gets over the shock—and convinces her younger self that she isn't some wacko—she realizes that she's been given an awesome gift. She can tell herself all the right things to do . . . because she's already done all the wrong ones! Who better to take advice from than your future self? 
Except . . .what if getting what you think you want changes everything? 
Fans of Sarah Mlynowski's Magic in Manhattan series will love this hilarious new novel with a high-concept premise.

Why the time hasn't come:

 got this book last year for my birthday but it's gotten buried in my ridiculously large TBR pile. I picked this novel out because I really liked the premise. It sounded fun and interesting. I mean, what would you do if you met your 14-year-old self? What kind of advice would you give yourself? This is definitely a book I want to get to soon!

Wanna join in?:
-Pick a book from your TBR stack and showcase it!
-Link up at Books For Company


  1. You're right, it sounds so good! Make sure you get to it soon. I'll be looking forward to your review (though it may well be months/years away :p)

  2. Oh wow!!
    I LOVE the sound of this! It sounds so good =o
    Thanks for showing me a new book and joining in =)

  3. I have never heard of this one before but it sounds really interesting. I'll be looking forward to you reading it as I want to know more!

  4. I'd love to meet my 14 year old self, although I don't think I'd meet all her high expectations!

    I'd never heard of this one before but I'm going to keep an eye out for reviews of it because it does sound interesting.

    Thanks for highlighting it!

  5. This sounds so cute! I hope you get to it soon. :) Really love this meme! Might pick it up someday.


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