Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My TBR Pile Book Tour!

I always talk about how out of control my tbr pile has gotten. As a slow reader, there are just too many novels I want to read and too little time to do it in. So I thought I'd show them all to you.

The books are usually piled neater but I had to mess them up so you could see them all since some of them are double parked on the shelves.

The song is "Homecoming" by Hey Monday.

Here is the video without music for those of you who can't view it with:

Next time I'll do a tour of my pretty, pretty bookshelves!

What do you think? Our your TBR piles as out of control as mine are?


  1. My tbr pile is also out of controll, it's mostly my fault for buying too many books. I HAVE to have all the great ones you know LOL

    I got the message that I couldn't watch the video in my country when I tried playing it.

  2. Wow! :D It's always fun to have so many a certain extent. Then it becomes...overwhelming. Haha! :) But that's amazing. It made me wanna go sit and stare at all of my beautiful books for a while. ;)

  3. Aww I can't watch it, it says it isn't available in my country :(

  4. My TBR pile is also out of controle :(
    Though I am not allowed to watch your movie on my computer :S

  5. Oh wow that is seriously out of control :) And I thought I had a lot of books lying around (like 10 or so) XD

  6. Whoa. I REALLY want every single one of those! Jeez! You are so bookishly gifted! Have a fabulous time reading!

  7. My TBR books are CRAZY!!! I have them stacked everywhere!!!

  8. First of all I LOVE that song. And second, HOLY BLEEP THAT's A LOT OF BOOKS! 0.0 I'd say I'm impressed and jelous but I'm also a teensi bit scared. Still a part of me wants to ask if I can trade TBRs with you (because i keep mine so small).

    Stork, Beautiful Creatures, Another Pan, Before I Fall, Stolen, and Infinite Days were all favorites of mine last year. The Iron Fey series is awesome (and I can't beleive how burried it is in your pile!)

    Vesper, Beastly, and Mad Love are all cute reads. I personally had a love/hate relasionship with Captivate and was in love with Entice.

    I have the first Vampire Academy book, Evernight, Stargazer, Delerium and Jekel loved Hyfe on my TBR as well.

    And (BTW) I'm very jelous of: BEautiful Darkness, 10 Things we Did, The Carrier of the Mark, Nevermore, Picture the Dead, Pink, and Haven.

  9. Such a large pile! I think your pile compares with mine. I feel like the slowest book worm lately. I still love to read but I haven't been able to read daily lately. Shame Shame on me!

    Zombie month by me so I'm a tad excited and trying to read... faster. LOL! We can only do what we can!

    Mad Scientist

  10. I have a huge TBR pile too... a mix of ARCs and books I've purchased. It does get overwhelming sometimes.

  11. My TBR pile is crazy as well but I can't bring myself to stop buying books. There are so many good ones. I love the way your desk is made with the shelves around them

  12. Wow! I would die of happiness in such a room, or, at least, my family would think I had died because I wouldn't come out for a month!

  13. Unfortunately, my TBR exists as a list instead of a pile, don't own many of the titles but I am getting there :)

    I just read Hunger, I don't know if I would say move it to the top; I definitely liked it but it wasn't spectacular (writing the review) but it is a short read.

    Also reading Crave right now and I LOVE IT! That needs a bump hehe :)

    ★ Leila

  14. Wow! Okay, if you need any help getting through those piles? I am more than willing to help you out! Seriously, what a pile of awesome reads! Where do you begin?! :0)

  15. I actually just got mine below 20 tbr. But I do have 3 on the way in the mail and 3 I just asked for at I may be up to 25 again...yours is pretty major though and puts mine to shame!

  16. Wow, you have a lot to read! :L I'll help if you want? :L I want so many of those! :L Happy reading!


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