Thursday, November 4, 2010

YA Love Triangle Week: Andrea Cremer Interview (Author of Nightshade)

The wonderful Andrea Cremer agreed to answer a few questions especially for YA Love Triangle Week. I decided to focus the interview questions on the two adorable boys in question to learn a little bit more about the guys we love from the author herself.

If you haven't gotten a chance to read Nightshade, I strongly suggest you rush out to the bookstore and snag yourself a copy or three. It's that good!

So onto the questions:

1) What's Shay's best attribute? What draws Calla to him?

 His independence and curiosity make him fascinating to Calla - she's used to following the rules and not asking questions. He's also funny and kind. He always knows how to make Calla laugh. It doesn't hurt that he's 
easy on the eyes either.

2) What is Shay's biggest flaw?

He doesn't have a very healthy respect for authority. Breaking the rules is fine once in a while, but Shay is a bit too cavalier about it. 

3) If Calla were to choose Shay, what kind of life could he offer her?

That's a hard one. Calla doesn't have a life outside her duty to the pack. She really can't imagine possibilities beyond the future that's been laid out for her. Shay can't believe she's never considered a life other than the one she's been ordered to have. 

4) Do you have a favorite line that comes to mind that Shay says?

 "Ah, too personal. The relationship between a girl and her favorite novel can be complex indeed."

5) Anything you want to tell us about Shay that might not have made it into the book? Maybe his favorite food or color?

His favorite color is blue. And he's a good singer. 

6) What would you like to say to all the Team Shay supporters?

I love Shay, too.
7) What's Ren's best attribute? What draws Calla to him?

He's a natural leader, he's smart and so damn sexy. He understands what makes Calla tick and exactly how to get under her skin - in good and bad ways.

8) What is Ren's biggest flaw?

He has a bad temper. 

9) If Calla were to choose Ren, what kind of life could he offer her?

Exactly what she's expected. 

10) Do you have a favorite line or scene between Calla and Ren?

"I can be here for you, if you let me." 

11) Anything you want to tell us about Ren that didn't make it into the book?

His favorite color is red. He likes poetry but would never admit it. 

12) What would you like to say to all the Team Ren supporters?

I love Ren, too.

Hopefully this interview will help you further to sort out who is better if the arguments didn't before! It was interesting getting to know these characters in different ways. I want to thank Andrea Cremer for agreeing to do this interview and again, you must check out Nightshade


  1. Heeh, this was fantastic!!!
    Both Ren and Shay are great! :)

    Thanks for hosting this interview! XD

  2. Ren: temperamental and moody but likes poetry? I'm in.

  3. We have two things in common:

    I love Shay.
    I love Ren.

  4. Great interview! Totally Team Ren! :D Haha

  5. Great interview. Even the author can't choose a side!

  6. I need to pick up this book. I'm desperate to read it.

  7. I love how she loves both. It makes it even harder for us to decide. Great interview. I love this series so far. Great debut.

  8. lol. I love that she refused to pick sides, and the Shay quote is great.

  9. I love love love this book! I'm Team Shay but I also adore Ren. *hard*

  10. Great interview! I love both these boys so I'm going to have to go with Team Calla ;)


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