Tuesday, October 12, 2010

YA Love Triangle Week: First Team Announced!


The first round that will be going down on YA Love Triangle Week (dates TBA) is Team Edward vs. Team Jacob from the The Twilight Saga. 

Fighting for Edward will be Paula from The Phantom Paragrapher

Fighting for Jacob will be Danielle from Every Last Page

May the best supernatural creature win!

*Remember, this is not about who the character chose but this is purely about why these ladies like this team.


  1. When do we check back to see the arguments against each one? I think this is an awesome idea!!

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  2. Jen, I'll be posting up dates for this once I get enough people to participate.

  3. This looks fun! I can't wait to read it. :)

  4. I'm all for team Jacob but I'm bias due to being Native American myself.

    Mad Scientist


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