Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Waiting On Wednesday (10): The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group by Catherine Jinks

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine where you can post about upcoming books you're looking forward to.I'm really excited about this book because I loved the author's first book The Reformed Vampire Society. One of the things I found most interesting about that novel was the werewolves and I wanted to know more about them. Well now, here's my chance!
The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group by Catherine Jinks

I still hadn't fully absorbed the terrible possibility that I might actually be a werewolf. A werewolf. I kept stumbling over that word; it made no sense to me. How could I be a werewolf? Werewolves didn't exist.

When Tobias Richard Vandevelde wakes up in hospital with no memory of the night before, his horrified mother tells him that he was found by the police. At Featherdale Park. In a dingo pen.

As if that isn't weird enough, suddenly a very menacing looking guy and a priest show up at his door.

As the mystery unfolds, Toby finds himself keeping company with some very strange and sickly looking people - members of a suburban vampire support group. And when he's abducted in broad daylight, he will need all their help to break free ... and to come to terms with his own incredibly rare condition.

Jinks does an amazing job of re-inventing these monsters into something you've never read before. I can't wait to dive into this world again and see an indepth look at how werewolves operate.

What are you waitning for?

  • In other news, I'm getting a new kitten today. I found out from one of my co-workers that she took in a kitten from a creulty call but she has too many pets and needs a good home for her. Someone burned this 1 week old kitten with acid and dumped it on a lawn. Her tail and the pads of her feet were burned off... She's now 7 weeks old and is completely healthy. She's also mine! I believe we are naming her Katara. I'm so excited to pick her up!


  1. I noticed today that this one is available on Netgalley. Or at least it was as of last night, lol.

  2. Sorry, I don't think my last comment made much sense...I hit post without proofreading it. :/ But I meant to say, last night I noticed this book was available on Netgalley...not sure if it still is.

  3. Lol this sounds like something i would enjoy :D

  4. It is still available on Netgalley, I noticed it earlier :)

  5. Wow, the book sounds great!

    I'm sorry you got your new kitten in horrible circumstances, poor kitty having acid thrown on her, that's so cruel! I hope she settles in OK!

  6. Nice pick! I haven't read the first book yet. It's in my TBR pile. Here's my WoW. Congrats on the kitten :)

  7. So funny you posted this, I just got an ARC in the mail yesterday and it was mentioning the Reformed Vampire society and I was just thinking how I hadn't heard of it before!

    Congrats on the kitten! A terrible start but it has earned her a wonderful rest of her life. You must post photos!!

  8. Yep, it's still on netgalley if you'd like to check it out! :D

    That's such a horrible thing to happen to a kitten! :( That's really amazing that you and your friend are both helping it out. You must post pictures when Katara gets to your house! :)

  9. Thanks everyone for letting me know about Netgally but I've been approached by the publisher to review this one on my blog so I already have an ARC in the mail!

    Thanks for the good wishes with the kitten! She is very nervous right now and needs a bit of time to adjust but she is beautiful!

  10. Isn't there a vampire one about the same kinda story? Anyway, I'm looking forward to..hmm, you know, I don't think I have any one book that I am looking forward to. No wait, I'm definitely looking forward to the next Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews.

  11. Your blog is fabulous!!! I love it!!! Not to mention all these awesome book reviews I'm been lurking around and reading on! Looks like you definitely will be a new one of my favorites!!


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