Thursday, October 21, 2010

Query Stats

I sent out my queries two weeks ago. 10 was the magic number.

I've gotten four rejections.

I've gotten one partial but the good news is the partial is from one of my top agent picks!

Still got five out and will be sending more soon.

Trying to stay positive.

Eating lots of chocolate.

Taking lots of emergency phone calls.

On third chapter of new WIP (novel number 4).


  1. Yeay!! 1 partial so soon is great! Congrats. More well wishes to you on the rest!!

  2. Congratulations on the partial request! That is awesome! :) Be sure to keep us posted on the progress!
    Put it on Paper

  3. Yay for the partial! That's awesome. *crosses fingers for you*

  4. Aw, good luck! Yay for the partial, especially from a top agent! :)

  5. This is so exciting! Congratulations!!


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