Monday, October 11, 2010

Popular Love Triangles in YA

I need your help! I'm thinking about doing a week long feature on YA love triangles and would like you guys to nominate your favorite love triangles. More details about this feature will come in a little while but I know there are going to be some really fun giveaways for those who participate. For now, let me know some of your favorite YA love triangles!


  1. That sounds fun... Here are my fav's

    Chloe, Derek & Simon from the Darkest Powers series

    Tessa, Will & Jem from Clockwork Angel

    Calla, Ren & Shay from Nightshade

    There are a few... I could prob go all day!

    Clary, Simon & Jace from The Mortal Instruments

  2. Well, the first that come to mind for me are David vs. Zane in Westerfeld's Uglies series, and (of course) Peeta vs. Gale in Hunger Games. If you want something a bit older, the later books in Meg Cabot's Mediator series have the love triangle of Suze, Jesse and Paul (well, kind of...really there's not much contest). And another older one: the Alanna series has the whole George vs. Jon vs. Liam debate going on.

    Really, a large number of my favorite books don't have love triangles...I wonder if that means anything...*ponders*

  3. Ash/Puck from Iron King
    Dimitri/Adrian from Vampire Academy
    Peeta/Gale Hunger Games
    Ky/Xander Matched
    Edward/Jacob from Twilight
    Ren/Shay Nightshade
    Stephan/Damon Vamp Diaries
    Cam/Jack The Candidates
    Cathcher/Elias Dead Tossed Waves
    Nic/Elias Almost to die for

    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  4. Rose - Adrian - Dimitri (Vampire Academy)

    True Blood - Bill, Eric, Sookie

    Hope these help :)

  5. I believe everyone hit all the major triangles I was muddling through my head. Sounds like a great feature!

    I hope everything falls into place wonderfully!

    Mad Scientist


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