Sunday, October 3, 2010

I've Been Tagged!

I'm so bad! I just accepted a new full time position as a 911 dispatcher (writing is my passion but it doesn't pay the bills) which has been really fun and interesting but mentally exhausting. I'm trying to get myself into the swing of working full time which is why I've been a bit absent lately.

Because of this craziness, I've neglected the blog just a bit and have been tagged TWICE.

Both the lovely Black Disaster Fairy from Literary Day Dreams and Tina from Book Couture.


  •  Accept the tag and link to the tagger at the beginning of your post.
  • Answer the questions honestly in your post by listing four things.
  •  Pass on the love by picking four other people to tag and listing them at the bottom of your post. Notify them that you tagged them.
4 things in my purse:
  1. My adorable brown and green sunglasses
  2. A crap ton of Victoria's Secret lip gloss
  3. My Cellphone
  4. A little notebook and pens for notes/addresses/snipets of novel dialog
4 things on my desk:
  1. 16 TBR novels (a small portion of my pile)
  2. All my old journals from elementary on
  3. All my yearbooks
  4. An icy cold Coke
4 favorite things in my bedroom:
  1. The dresser my grandmother gave me and my father re-worked
  2. My pretty bedspread
  3. My wedding photo wall
  4. The windowsill where I keep my "currently reading" novel and glasses
4 things I've always wanted to do but haven't yet:
  1. Get published... (working on it)
  2. See Harry Potter world (this one should be finished since I LIVE in Florida)
  3. To own and have read 1,000 books (and have a bookshelf for them! My husband is planning on building me one very soon!)
  4. Buy a new car (this is a bit selfish but I've had the same car since I was 16 and (while I'm thankful) didn't get to pick it. I want to pick out my own car!)
5 things I wish would come true that probably won't (Tina's added question):
  1. Go skydiving
  2. Perform in a rock band in front of a live audience (I love to sing)
  3. Meet my first crush again (I'm married so don't get me wrong. I'd just like to be able to tell him what a wonderful influence he had on my life)
  4. Be able to fly
  5. Wear the Belle dress
4 things I enjoy very much at the moment:
  1. Reading and blogging about it (like everyone else)
  2. Playing Rockband with the hubby and friends
  3. Playing Taboo (that game is boss) and Quelf with alcohol
  4. Writing novels
4 song I can't get out of my head:
  1. Impossible by Anberlin
  2. Black Sheep by Metric
  3. Playing God by Paramore
  4. Monuments and Melodies by Incubus
4 things you don't know about me:
  1. I broke my leg when I was in 3rd grade and had to crawl around on it for three days before my firefighter father decided I might not be exaggerating.
  2. I try to read all my books in order of when I got them
  3. I just became a 911 dispatcher and it's one of the most fascinating jobs I've ever had.
  4. I sang with my chorus in Carnegie Hall in New York (I'm a soprano).
4 people I'm tagging:
  1. Chrystal from Snowdrop Dreams of Books
  2. Danya from A Tapestry of Words
  3. Hafsah from Icey Books
  4. Danielle from Every Last Page


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, but I laughed about the leg thing lol I broke both arms when I was ten on the monkey bars and my mum thought I was being overdramatic until I got them x-rayed ;)

    That's a brilliant job that you got btw congrats!

  2. Thanks for tagging me Amber! Wow at the broken leg thing, sounds painful...and 911 dispatcher sounds like an intense but exciting job! I can see how it could be stressful and tiring though.

  3. >< Sorry for not notifying you earlier - I had intended to do it once I got back from school, but no harm done, hey?
    Your answers are so great - I agree with Melissa, the leg thing is ironically hilarious.

  4. Fascinating!

    I'm not sure if you are up for the task but I do have an award waiting for you over at Steampunkery & Book Reviews :)

    Mad Scientist.

  5. Hi Amber! I am passing on the Cherry on Top Award to you. Pick it up here
    Hafsah @ IceyBooks


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!