Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Masque of the Red Death Blog Tour: Interview and Giveaway with Bethany Griffin

Today I've got author Bethany Griffin on the blog answering a fun round of  This or That questions! Make sure to check out her answers and I'm  giving away a copy of her novel Masque of the Red Death, which is one of my most anticipated reads this year! Read on for the interview and to find out how you can snag a copy of her novel.

1) Money, fame or love? love

2) Night or day? night

3) Live or recorded? recorded

4) Now or then? now

5) Answer or question? answer

6) All or nothing? all

7) Being stuck with someone you hate or being alone? being alone

8) Noise or silence? silence

9) Old or new? old

10) See, smell, touch, taste or hear? See

Thanks so much for answering my questions and being on the blog today!

Giveaway Time!
  • International giveaway (as long as Book Depository ships your way, you can enter)
  • May only enter once
  • Must fill out form
  • Must be 13 years of older
  • Giveaway ends April 30, 2012
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck everyone and remember to check out the rest of this epic blog tour:

4/16 http://www.twochicksonbooks.com/ Author Q&A + Giveaway
4/17 http://amberinblunderland.blogspot.com/ Author Interview
4/18 http://bookalicio.us/ Guest Post
4/19 http://hobbitsies.net/wordpress/ Author Q&A
4/20 http://www.princessbookie.com/ Guest Post

4/23 http://www.spadeshighreads.com/ Top 10 List
4/24 http://www.goodbooksandgoodwine.com/ Author Q&A + Giveaway
4/25 http://www.hippiesbeautyandbooksohmy.com/ Character Q&A, Araby Worth
4/26 http://booktwirps.com/ Guest Post
4/27 http://www.iceybooks.com/ Top 10 (Favorite Quotes) + Giveaway


  1. Totally agree on live or recorded. Unless I'm actually at the concert, I do not want to have to listen to drunk people yelling.

    Looking forward to this book so much!

  2. I've read a lot of beautiful things about this book, hope I'll have the opportunity to read it soon. :)
    Thanks for the interview and the giveaway! :)

    dianadimovska (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. Wonderful interview :) Very simple but interviews like this give a better view on the author's personality in my opinion. I'm so stoked for her book because it takes two of my favorite concepts in it: Edgar Allen Poe and a post apocalyptic feel to it.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Cute this or that! The questions were really original. I'm so tired of hearing tea or coffee lol

    Very excited for this novel!

  5. I absolutley love the cover of Masque of the Red Death! Thanks for the giveaway =)

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  6. Awww, I am a total "new" person.
    Maybe because I think what's worth remembering is in my head?

    Anyway, I can't wait to get my hands on the book!

  7. That was a very brusque interview. She sounds very to-the-point. Is her book so precise, I wonder?!

    Great giveaway!!

  8. I just so happen to agree with all of her answers. :) How funny. I can't wait for this book to release, it sounds amazing!

  9. I look forward to reading this book. I've heard so many good things about it.

  10. Love your "This or That" interview! I agree with all the answers!

    Thanks for the giveaway. I can't wait to read this book!

  11. I would rather be alone than with someone I hate. Is there anyone who would choose differently?

  12. I adore Edgar Allan Poe!! I cant wait for this book! And I rather ask questions than answer them lol :-)

  13. those are awesome this or that questions :) I feel like it would be hard for me to answer them.. :D

  14. At first, when I saw the All or Nothing question - it made me think of the Milli Vanilli song from a LONG TIME AGO.

    On a more serious note, SILENCE ---> Me too. My life and my house are much too noisy. The world is much too loud!

  15. I am thrilled to read this book. I love all things Edgar Allan Poe. I would 'be alone' as well.

  16. I really appreciate the opportunity to win this book! I've heard a lot of good things about it :)

  17. i totally agree on the silence :) The better to read LOL

  18. Short and sweet. Great interview. I am really anxious to get my hands on copy of this book! Thanks for an awesome giveaway.

  19. Love the short interview and I totally agree on being alone than with someone you hate. And I can't wait until this book comes out. It looks great!

  20. This looks so intriguing and gorgeous. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy! :)

  21. I loved this short, snappy interview and I wish Bethany all the best with her release. I've been hearing some great things about this book and I can't wait to read it.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. I. Can. Not. Wait. For. This. Book. Thanks for the fab review and giveaway!

  23. The cover looks so cool. I always thought her dress was black and red until I actually had a closer look and saw that the red was like the air or something.

  24. The question #10 is so hard! But I think I'd answer the same thing :)
    I love that cover so much!
    Thanks a lot for this great giveaway.

  25. I read an eARC of Masque of REd Death and loved it, would love to own a finished copy ^^
    Thank you!

  26. That is a fun little question session. I definitley have to agree with the "night" answer!

  27. I really want to read this book! I went to the RT convention this past weekend, and I was really hoping they'd give it away! Thanks!

  28. Great interview, thanks for sharing and for the giveaway :)

  29. Love that short interview :D It is great. And loved the answers ;D I am excited about this book. A bit nervous, though :\ But I do adore the cover :) So pretty. <3 Thank you for this giveaway :)

  30. Yep totally agree with answer. Too many questions just make my head explode. :) Thx for this great short and sweet interview and for the giveaway =D

  31. I cannot wait to read this book, especially since it is based on a Poe story. Poe is one of my most favorite authors!

  32. Cool questions!
    I prefer night over day as well. Haha.

    Looking forward to reading this book! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    - Noely Jeleen

  33. Love your interview! I'm not a big fan of interviews that go on for ages and have really long questions and answers, so this was a quick and easy insight into the author. I'd pick all of the same answers, except I'm a day person.

  34. Agree on silence and old things too. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  35. Christina Kit. in the rafflecopter

    I love Edgar Allan Poe!

    This is going to be awesome!

    I agree with Bethany - definitely night, definitely alone than miserable, definitely love:)

  36. Also one of my most anticipated reads of the spring! Bethany's comments to your quick questions are exactly what I would expect from the author of this book. Those are the ones I had too!

  37. Oh, I wondered after I sent if I should've explained my answers, though most of them were just gut reactions. I do like a good NIN concert, but I prefer to listen to music through headphones so that it's all mine.

    And as for silence, I married a musician and produced two musical children, and they make noise all the time, whether it's a pencil tapping or humming a melody, all three of them. And the husband want the television or radio on all the time, I was an only child from a bookish family, I love silence.

    Thanks for the interview, it was fun!

  38. Loved that style of interview! I'm all up for old as well. Antiques, vintage, recycle... Love it!

  39. Thanks for the giveaway! I can't wait for this book to come out! It sounds awesome and the cover is gorgeous!! Plus - it releases on my birthday! :)

  40. I keep hearing so many wonderful things about this book, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of it!

    Awesome "This or That" interview!

  41. great interview! i cannot wait until i can finally read the book! everything about it sounds so good : ) thanks for the giveaway!!

  42. Thanks for the interview and giveaway! I can't wait to get to read this book - I think a mix of Edgar Allan Poe and sci-fi is great!

  43. I had the fortunate opportunity to read an ARC of Masque of the Red Death via SBB ARC Tours and it's one of my favorite reads of 2012, for sure! Great giveaway, fun interview! : )

  44. I'd choose love, too. :) Can't wait to read this book!

  45. This is one of the books that I am most excited about this year, and it's one of my original twelve picks for The Story Siren's Debut Author Challenge. And I enjoyed the interview. :-)

  46. I had to laugh when she chose "silence" because I have three sons and there is rarely silence in my home (which having kids is great) but I thoroughly enjoy silence every time I get some, lol. This cover is beautiful and I look forward to reading the book!

  47. Love the this or that interview - would love to win this book especially since I love Edgar Allen Poe!


  48. That's on my to-read list... :) Thank you for the giveaway :)

  49. Lovely interview! I've been wanting to read this book. It sounds amazing! Thank you for the giveaway :o)

  50. Silence would be lovely. My next door neighbour is a DJ and likes to play his decks for hours into the night!
    At least it gives me time to read though!

  51. I really want to read this- thanks for the chance to win it!

  52. Wonderful interview. I definitely understand preferring to be alone than stuck with someone you hate. Thanks for the giveaway; this looks like a great book!

  53. Cool interview. I'm planning to buy this book. I hope I don't have to because I have a chance to win it. Thanks

  54. Cool interview. I'm planning to buy this book. I hope I don't have to because I have a chance to win it. Thanks

  55. Can't wait to read the book, but I gotta go with live music over recorded:)

  56. I'm really excited for this book! I have heard nothing but good things about it. I can't wait to read it.

  57. I've read this story by Edgar Alan Poe and loked it, so it will be interesting to read the book with the same name)

  58. I'm so excited to read this book. Congrats on the release!

  59. This has been a great blog tour. I think this book will be amazing!! Loved the fun unique questions!

  60. Those are some great questions! I know I'd rather be alone than be stuck with a person I can't stand. At least when you're alone, it's peaceful and you won't have to worry about possible arguments starting up. ;)

    Great post and thank you so, so much for this giveaway!!!

  61. Great interview! I love this or that questions...I also love this book cover! it's so wicked looking:) Thanks for the giveaway!

  62. This is a really lovely interview - Bethany seems really down to earth. Thank you for the chance to win this book, I've been wanting to get hold of it for ages!

  63. Loved the interview! I'm totally in agreement about recorded over live - when I listen to the music, I don't wait to hear the background noise. Of course, I do also love seeing bands live. :P

    Thank you for the interview and the fantastic giveaway!

  64. I agree with you about silence over noise. Great questions!

  65. Agree about silence over noise. Great interview!

  66. I agree with Bethany Griffin night over day. Can't wait to read this one from what I've heard it sounds really good!

  67. Thanks for sharing! :)
    I love the simple interview. It is a easy quick read but you gain insight. I hate those loooong ones, where you are getting bored rather quickly.

    I have had my eyes on this book for some time now, and it would be great to finally being able to read it :)

  68. Cool interview! I've never seen a this or that interview and it's great! Gotta say Bethany Griffin has got all the right answers :D

  69. Awesome interview. I love short and quick fun questions. :D I got my brother to get me the Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe for Christmas...so this book has been on my radar for awhile! I'm so excited to read it, especially since I've heard such an amazing feedback about it! Thanks for the chance to win a copy, Amber! :D

  70. I like the This or That interview as well. Very fun and concise. This book looks so intriguing.

  71. I LOVE THESE KIND OF INTERVIEWS! We have so much in common! :) I've heard wonderful things about Masque of the Red Death and ever since I've read Nevermore I believe you can never go wrong with Poe inspired YA! :)


  73. I like the "this or that" format, it is fun and straight to the point! :-)

  74. I adore both Poe and steam punk, so this book seems like the perfect Neo-Victorian combination of the two. =)

  75. I've been obsessing over the upcoming release of this book too so thanks for the giveaway. Nice interview, but too short! I would've enjoyed more question and answers! :)

  76. I want to read this book so bad! I am infatuated with Poe. Fascinating man...

  77. Good answers. For #10 I was thinking I'd pick a different answer if I was answering, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I probably would pick the same. LOL

    I'd love to read Masque of the Red Death. Thanks for the giveaway.


  78. Ohhh ohh, I've been wanting to read this since so long ago!! Great interview, and thanks for the giveaway!

  79. im dying to read this book by the way love the blog

  80. I have heard so many great things about this book! I cant wait to read it!

  81. I read some Poe back and high school and even attended a play but it would be so cool to read a twist on his work.


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