Sunday, July 31, 2011

1 Year Blogoversary & Giveaway!

This time last year, I stepped out of a movie, talked it over with my friends and went home, still unsatisfied. I'd been snooping around the web for a while, checking out other blogs but hadn't done anything for myself. So I sat down and did the one thing I'd been scared to do.

I created a blog.

I thought of the only theme that made sense to me-- Down The Rabbit Hole-- and decided I was going to talk about the things I loved most which were books and movies and writing and my cats.

I put my first post out there in the big wide web and waited with baited breath for... nothing. No one followed me and no one talked back. So I decided to roll up my sleeves and really get into this blog thing. I learned the ropes, all the technical stuff, how to gain followers, where to go for advice, what blogs to follow and somewhere along the way, I found out about the amazing community of the blogosphere.I found like minded individuals that were just as passionate about the things I loved as I was.

Fast forward to today and I can't believe how much something that started out so little has grown. I went from no book reviews to 78. No followers to almost 1600. From Blogspot to Shelfari to Goodreads and beyond. Two background changes and a million new blogs to follow! Big thanks to all of you who comment and who follow me. I can't express what your commitment and passion mean to me.

So to thank you even more, I'm giving some stuff away!

For the US Followers only:

1) Signed copy of:
2) Hardback copy of:
For everyone, a pre-order of one of these titles (2 winners):

  • Must be a follower
  • Must be 13 years or older
  • May only fill out the form once
  • Must fill out the correct form (US citizens can fill out the International portion) (International defined as anyone The Book Depository ships to)
  • Winners will be chosen randomly
  • Giveaway ends August 28, 2011
US Form:

International Form (for everyone):

Good luck to everyone and thanks for the amazing year! Here's to many more!

YA Bachelor Winners!

YA Bachelor Month has been a huge success thanks to every single one of you! For those who wrote guest posts, hosted giveaway and challenges, thanks so much for your efforts to make this month awesome and socked full of hotness. For those of you who came by to comment and encouraged others to do so, thanks for the support! We finally have the results in after 3 month of preparation! You voted and here are the results.

Throw on your very best red carpet look and let's get the winners announced!

I'm pretty sure mine looks similar to this:
 So without further ado, I shall announce the winners!

Best Bad BoyThe Best Bad Boy category is honoring all of those guys who melt our hearts one moment and say something to push us away the next (usually for our own good). They've got sexy down to a tee and know how to weaken our knees with one smolder. They usually come complete with tousled hair, a leather jacket and motorcycle and/or really hot car and like to walk on the wild side. 

Nominees are:

  • Dimitri from Vampire Academy
  • Luc from Personal Demons
  • Damon from Vampire Diaries
  • Patch from Hush, Hush
  • Ash from The Iron Fey
  • Jace from The Mortal Instruments
  • Archer from Hex Hall
  • Will from The Infernal Devices
The runner-up is *opens envelope*:

Will from The Infernal Devices

The winner is:

Jace from The Mortal Instruments

Sweetest Nice Guy: This is the guy that will always be there for you. He'll remember your birthday, sympathizes when something is bothering you and aim to make your day better. His words are aimed to heal, he's usually got floppy hair and doesn't know he's gorgeous. But we do ladies, and that's all that matters!

Nominees are:

  • Dimitri from Vampire Academy
  • Peeta from The Hunger Games
  • Adam from If I Stay
  • Sam from The Wolves of Mercy Falls
  • Ky from Matched
  • Four from Divergent
  • Alex from Delirium
  • Lend from Paranormalcy
  • Jay from The Body Finder
  • Daniel from Fallen 
  • St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss
The runner-up is *opens envelope*:

Dimitri of The Vampire Academy

The winner is:

Peeta from The Hunger Games

Costume change for me:

Favorite "Regular Guy": He doesn't have super powers. He's not any kind of supernatural. He's just the normal guy next door but he comes in many skins. Sometimes he's the smoking hot bad boy and other times, he's the super sweet nice guy. What puts him in this categories is that his heart beats and he's no superman.

Nominees are:

  • Peeta from The Hunger Games
  • Adam from If I Stay 
  • Ky from Matched
  • Four from Divergent
  • Jay from The Body Finder
  • St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss
The runner-up is *opens envelope*:

Four from Divergent

The winner is:

Peeta from The Hunger Games

Favorite Supernatural Being- Whether he be a vampire or werewolf, shifter or something else entirely, if he's super human, you'll find him in this category! He'll hypnotize you with his eyes (literally) or even put a spell on you!

Nominees are:

  • Dimitri from Vampire Academy
  • Damon from Vampire Diaries
  • Luc from Personal Demons
  • Sam from The Wolves of Mercy Falls
  • Ash from The Iron Fey
  • Edward from Twilight
  • Jace from The Mortal Instruments
  • Archer from Hex Hall
  • Ren from Nightshade
  • Lend from Paranormalcy
  • Daniel from Fallen
The runner-up is *opens envelope*:

Edward of the Twilight Saga

The winner is:

Jace of The Mortal Instruments

Sexiest: This category should be self explanatory. From perfect eyes, amazing smile, and rock hard body, this guy has it all!


  • Dimitri from Vampire Academy
  • Adam from If I Stay
  • Damon from Vampire Diaries
  • Luc from Personal Demons
  • Sam from The Wolves of Mercy Falls
  • Patch from Hush, Hush
  • Ash from The Iron Fey
  • Edward from Twilight
  • Jace from The Mortal Instruments
  • Four from Divergent
  • Archer from Hex Hall
  • Jay from The Body Finder
  • Ren from Nightshade
  • Lend from Paranormalcy
  • Will from The Infernal Devices
  • Daniel from Fallen
  • St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss
The runner-up is *opens envelope*:

Will of The Infernal Devices

The winner is:

Jace of The Mortal Instruments

Best One-Liner- From the funny to the sexy and everything in between, here's a list of our favorite guys and a line from each that we love!

Nominees are:

  • Dimitri for “I'll do things that'll make you lose control within seconds.”
  • Peeta for “’I remember everything about you,’’ says Peeta, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. ‘’You’re the one who wasn’t paying attention.’’
  • Damon for “I love you, Elena. And it’s because I love you that I can’t be selfish with you.”
  • Luc for “"So, how hot would you like it? I’m capable of all levels of hotness, from Luc-warm to—and I’m being literal here—hotter than hell."
  • Patch for “"You should go," I breathed. "You should definitely go." 
    "Go here?" His mouth was on my shoulder. "Or here?" It moved up my neck."
  • Ky for "I believe in you. That's more faith than I ever thought I'd have."
  • Ash for “"Touch her, and I'll freeze your testicles off and put them in a jar. Understand?
  • Edward for “"Well...don't be offended, but you smell like a dog."
  • Jace for "There is no pretending, I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then."
  •  Ren for “That means you like it.”
  •  Jay for “I was just waiting for you to want me as much as I wanted you.” His words were quiet but carried one hell of an impact. “I knew we were going to be together; it was just a matter of time. I kept hoping that you would figure it out. But for a smart girl, you’re a little dense, Vi."
  • Daniel for “How many times have I told you I will always find you?
  • Will for "Bloodthirsty little beats. Never trust a duck."
The runner-up is *opens envelope*:

Will from The Infernal Devices for "Bloodthirsty little beats. Never trust a duck."

The winner is *opens envelope*:

Jace from The Mortal Instruments for "There is no pretending, I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then."

Best Fighter- Whether we are talking real fighting with fists and guns and swords or the best fighter for the girl's heart, these guys all have the fighting spirit!

Nominees are:

  • Dimitri from Vampire Academy
  • Adam from If I Stay
  • Peeta from The Hunger Games
  • Will from The Infernal Devices
  • Ky from Matched
  • Ash from The Iron Fey
  • Four from Divergent
  • Jace from The Mortal Instruments
The runner-up is *opens envelope*:

Dimitri from The Vampire Academy

The winner is:

Jace from The Mortal Instruments

Last costume change:

Change My Mind- This is strictly for the guest posts you read. You choose which one was the most creative, persuasive and told why their guy was the most swoon worthy. 

The nominees are all the wonderful hostesses!

The winner is *opens envelope*:

Lieder from Songs and Stories for Jace of The Mortal Instruments

And finally, the award all the bachelors have been waiting for. This category is for the top in class. The one who has it all and then some. Our Top Five Overall Favorite Bachelor are (in order)...

5. Ash of The Iron Fey 
4. Will of The Infernal Devices
3. Dimitri of The Vampire Academy
2. Peeta from The Hunger Games

1. Jace from The Mortal Instruments

Again, thank you all for coming! I'm working on tallying up the two people who have won the book of their choice. This was such an exciting month and I couldn't have done it without all of you!

Winner of Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick is:

Allison Cole!

The rest of the winners will be announced altogether in a few days!

In My Mailbox (48)

In my mailbox is a weekly meme created by The Story Siren that encourages other book bloggers to share what they bought, won, begged for or borrowed. It is usually held on Sundays!

No vlog this week because I came down with The Plague (read: a cold) and can't stomach the screen time. So here's what I got in my mailbox!

From Simon & Schuster:
Dreams of Significant Girls by Cristina Garcia-

Brought together each summer at a boarding school in Switzerland, three girls learn a lot more than just French and European culture. Shirin, an Iranian princess; Ingrid, a German-Canadian eccentric; and Vivien, a Cuban-Jewish New Yorker culinary phenom, are thrown into each other's lives when they become roommates. 

This is a story of 3 paths slowly beginning to cross and merge as they spend the year apart, but the summers together. Through navigating the social-cultural shoals of the school, developing their adolescence, and learning the confusing and conflicting legacies of their families' past, Shirin, Ingrid, and Vivien form an unbreakable bond. 
This story takes readers on a journey into the lives of very different girls and the bonds that keep them friends..
This was a complete surprise in the mail. I'd never heard of this book but I can't wait to dive in because it sounds awesome! I love the diverse ethnic groups of the three girls and I already want to know more about their lives. 

From Harcourt Children's Books:
Dark of the Moon by Tracy Barrett-

Ariadne is destined to become a goddess of the moon. She leads a lonely life, filled with hours of rigorous training by stern priestesses. Her former friends no longer dare to look at her, much less speak to her. All that she has left are her mother and her beloved, misshapen brother Asterion, who must be held captive below the palace for his own safety.
So when a ship arrives one spring day, bearing a tribute of slaves from Athens, Ariadne sneaks out to meet it. These newcomers don’t know the ways of Krete; perhaps they won’t be afraid of a girl who will someday be a powerful goddess. And indeed she meets Theseus, the son of the king of Athens. Ariadne finds herself drawn to the newcomer, and soon they form a friendship—one that could perhaps become something more.
Yet Theseus is doomed to die as an offering to the Minotaur, that monster beneath the palace—unless he can kill the beast first. And that "monster" is Ariadne’s brother . . .
This is one I'd requested. I was delighted to see a finished copy waiting on my doorstep for me and can't wait to read it.  I adore the idea of potential lover having to kill brother who is a monster. Amazing!

Big thanks to Simon and Schuster and Harcourt Children for sending me the amazing book in my mailbox this week. What did you get in your mailbox? 

Saturday, July 30, 2011

YA Bachelor: Voting Reminder!

The voting for our YA Bachelors is going to end at midnight tonight and the winners will be announced tomorrow on the blog! Don't forget to show your love for your favorite guys and vote, vote, vote! You can also enter to win a book of your choice (with one of the 53 original bachelors in it) from The Book Depository! There will be two winners for that!

So check out the guy's posts here!

Vote here!

Friday, July 29, 2011

YA Bachelor: A Few More Good Men by Nicci of Paper Dreams

Nicci from Paper Dreams is here to talk about a few of her favorite guys that didn't quite make the cut. It was hard narrowing down from our favorites so here's a list of more guys to love before you cast your ballots!

Narrowing down our favorite YA men is nearly an impossible thing to do. I mean have you read half of the amazing books lining store shelves?! YA has an amazing collection of fantastic men. From the bad boy to the best friend and every type in between, there is a guy for everyone to love. So despite the many amazing boys that are being featured in the Top 20, there were some awesome ones that got left behind. These guys deserve just as much love and adoration. Now I started out with a list of about fifteen guys, but I narrowed it down to feature just three here, with a few honorable mentions, or I would probably go on forever!
  1. Alex Fuentes
    Who is he? Gang member in Latino BloodBooks: Perfect Chemistry & Rules of Attraction by Simone ElkelesDescription: “Angry dark eyes. Red and black bandana.” “The guy might look like an Abercrombie model with his ripped bod and flawless face…”
Alex comes off as a typical “I’m-all-that” bad boy who thinks he’s God’s gift to the world, but really he is not like that at all. Hidden beneath his tough, gangster persona is a guy with a desire to succeed in life, but he has settled for the life he has to protect his family. When I first started reading Perfect Chemistry, I was really worried that I would not be able to like Alex. He is after all…a gang member *gasp*. As I got to know him, I fell deeply in love. Alex is a leader, a fighter, and a lover.
“Mujer, tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you. If it’ll make you happy for me to leave you alone for the rest of your life, say the word. But if you still want me, I’ll do my best to be 
this…” - Alex
"You are the one girl that made me risk everything for a future worth having." – Alex

2. Lucas Delos
Who is he? Scion, demigodBook: Starcrossed by Josephine AngeliniDescription: “He was tall, over six feet at least, and powerfully built, although his muscles were long and lean instead of bulky. He had short, black hair and a dark end-of-summer tan that brought out his white smile and his swimming-pool blue eyes.
A gorgeous, caring, tough demigod, what is not to love there?! Lucas captured me heart from the first moments I read about him. I guess there is such a thing as love at first sight! The way he tried to protect Helen, even as she was trying to kill him…That just made me swoooon.
“As soon as I think I’m in control, you make me laugh or you say something so smart, and I feel like I lose a little bit of myself. I thought I was prepared, but this is much harder than I imagined.” – Lucas
“If I kiss you, I won’t stop.” – Lucas

3. Zach Goode
I watched so many different ‘cast’ lists on youtube to find someone to use, and he(Drew Roy) is my favorite so far.

Who is he? SpyBooks: Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, Don’t Judge A Girl By Her Cover, and Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter
Description: “He was slightly shorter and broader through the shoulders…” “A boy with dark brown hair and broad shoulders.”
Zach’s a boy so full of mystery it could just drive a girl insane, but then he is a spy after all. Full of sarcasm and with a deliciously cocky attitude, Zach is both hilarious and interesting. But when your life is on the line, he is a person who would not hesitate to save you.
“Hi again, Gallagher Girl.” – Zach
“Oh, and Cammie…I always finish what I start.” -Zach
“So this is good-bye?”  -Cammie
“Come on, Gallagher Girl. What would be the odds of that?” –Zach

Honorable Mentions
James “Jem” Carstairs (The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare)
“Well she’s not responding to my advances…so she must be dead.” – Will
“Or she’s a woman of good taste and sense.” –Jem
"Sometimes," Jem said, "our lives can change so fast that the change outpaces our minds and hearts. It's those times, I think, when our lives have altered but we still long for the time before everything was altered-- that is when we feel the greatest pain. I can tell you, though, from experience, you grow accustomed to it. You learn to live your new life, and you can't imagine, or even really remember, how things were before."

Daniel Kalbi (The Dark Divine by Bree Despain)
“Do you know me now? Do you still think I’m worth saving? Can you look me in the eyes and say you love me now?” -Daniel
"I can't be the hero you want me to be--at least not in that way. But you can, Grace. You don't have to become one of the dark ones. You can fight it. You can turn this curse into a blessing. You can become the hero. You can become truly divine." -Daniel

So there you have it, and believe me these are just a few of the amazing YA Bachelor's who did not make the cut for my secondary list. Others I considered were the following: Owen (Just Listen by Sarah Dessen), Hayden (Six Rules of Maybe by Deb Caletti), Lucius (Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey), Roger (Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson), Jacob (North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley), Milo (Fall for Anything by Courtney Summers), Jag (Possession by Elana Johnson), Catcher (The Dark & Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan), Cole (Linger by Maggie Stiefvater), Gabriel (Dark Visions trilogy by L.J. Smith),  and Shane and/or Michael (Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine).

Enter to win a signed Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton

  • US Giveaway only!
  • Must be 13 years or older
  • Must be a follower
  • May only enter once
  • Must fill out form
  • Giveaway ends 8/12

Good luck everyone!
Thanks so much to Nicci from Paper Dreams for giving us a few more guys to pine for! Don't forget to cast your vote for your favorite guys! And check out their posts here!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Book Review: Dead Rules by Randy Russell

Dead Rules by Randy Russell

Reading Level: Young Adult
Hardcover: 384 pages
Publisher: HarperTeen (June 21, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0061986704
ISBN-13: 978-0061986703
Source: ARC
Cover: I love this cover! The dark makeup making the eyes pop, the candy pink colored lips and white skin are just beautiful. She looks like a little dead doll which is one part creepy and two parts beautiful!
First Sentence: "Jana had the jitters."

Mini-Review: An unique spin on what happens after is what makes this debut shine.

Book Summary:

Sometimes falling in love means you have to kill somebody. 

Jana Webster and Michael Haynes were destined to be together forever. Of that, Jana was sure. 
But Jana just died—in a bowling accident. And now she’s trapped in Dead School. Jana is certain that it won’t be long before Michael kills himself in order to spend eternity with her—but the days are passing and Michael is, inexplicably, still alive. So Jana decides to take matters into her own hands. And nothing—not even Dead School bad boy Mars Dreamcote’s enticingly warm touch or the devastating secret he holds about her death—will stop her from making her dreams come true. 
Romeo and Juliet meets Heathers in this hilariously macabre take on paranormal romance, packed with heart-stopping suspense and sizzling star-crossed love.
Book Review:

Dead Rules utilizes humor and a great imaginative setting to tell the story of Jana on her journey after life. While the world of Dead Rules is fascinating, the characters are selfish and sometimes hard to care for. This debut novel will have its reader cringing and laughing within sentences of each other.

As a lead, I wasn't too wild about Jana. Though she was funny, she was very naive and thus, she made a lot of silly mistakes. I liked her inquistive nature because it caused her to explore and her determination was definitely a good thing but I felt that ultimately, she was a little too selfish for me to really care about her plight. That made reading a little cumbersome and slow at some parts because I didn't feel as invested as I like to. It's funny because I was never crazy about the characters on the "good path" because they all seemed a little too stuffy. It was the slider characters, the ones who were on the edge of being booted that I really liked because they seemed to be the good guys. They all had stories and things to prove.

Jana's quest to have Michael join her was really funny and caused a lot of good tension. I also enjoyed her having to come to terms with her own death slowly. The world she was dropped into was definitely the highlight of the novel. The ghostly schoolbus and school, the always brand new uniform with the terrible grannie panties, and the person keeping the inflictions of their death were all interesting. I loved learning each character's story and figuring out how that broken arm or scratchy voice went with it. The other thing that really intrigued me was the no-guide thing that the kids were working with. They all knew the "rules" but there was nothing they could really read to be sure. It let the whole novel feel like anything can happen.

Overall, the environment of Dead Rules really did make the story with knowing. It was creative and funny and my curiousity for the inventive life after dead world kept me reading. I just wish I could have fallen in love with Jana and the others more to feel more connected to the story.


YA Bachelor: The Extremes of YA Good Guys by Nic from DeLibrarie

Yesterday, we got to me the bad boy in YA fiction and learn about his many merits. Today, Nic from DeLibrarie is here to discuss the bad boy's counterpart- the good guy! So before you vote, check out why we love the nice guys!

The Extremes of YA Good Guys

As a YA reader there comes a certain expectation for the main love interest in a story. Because we get so connected to the main heroine we begin to feel as though she is real. She becomes us or our best friend or the person that we wish to be. Because of this connection, we begin to expect the best for our heroine. We want the perfect boyfriend for her so that we can fall in love with him just as much as she does.

It is from this expectation and desire that we get the extremist "good guy" character in most YA novels. This character is always perfectly, breathtakingly handsome in every way. After the first glimpse of him, our heroine discovers that not only does he appear perfect, but he is perfect. He'll be considerate, romantic, and protective, making him the ideal boyfriend. He'll always be available to our heroine, what with her being his top priority, and he's always willing to sacrifice himself for the betterment of his heroine. Not to say that he doesn't have his flaws; he does. However, it's usually something excusable such as a little bit of lying to save her life or being a little bit too protective so that she never gets hurt. But these flaws are an attempt at making the character and his relationship appear realistic and thus more believeable to the reader.

A popular example of this good guy character would be Daniel from the Fallen series by Lauren Kate. Not only does Daniel relive his true love's death over and over again without wavering in his love, but he does what he can to make each of her lives the best it can be; even if it hurts him more. He is handsome and brave and does what he can to protect her from the truth that could kill her. Not only that but he's an angel! Talk about perfect. Another good example is Tam from the Wings series by Aprilynne Pike. He devotes his entire life to Laurel, including his entire career, and saves her life countless times. He waits years and years for her to remember him so that they can be together and continues to hope for it even after she chooses to be with David instead. These guys devote their lives to the one they love and they never stop sacrificing, hoping, and fighting to be with their true love.

The good guy simply embodies every good aspect of love and relationships to the point of perfection. He is everything you could ever want or need. So even though this is a brief description, you can see how we would fall immediately in love with any one of the classic good guy characters in YA books. Every girl wants a handsome guy to protect and love her unconditionally. We all want to be the most important thing to someone else. But rarely will we find this in real life. Which is why we love our YA guys oh so much; they're a dream come true.
So while this character is ideal to us, he is really just the extreme of goodness. He is usually unrealistic and too good to be true. And this extremism is true not only for the good guy character, but also for the bad boy character. The bad boy is just as extreme in that he is devastatingly handsome, dark, dangerous, and is usually broken in some way. He is the character we all dream of having because he doesn't want anyone. He only cares for himself and by gaining his love, you become the only person to really get to know him and in so doing he becomes yours and yours alone. This is the opposite extreme though and in YA stories you usually find one character or the other; sometimes you can find both.

Once in a while you will find a male character who is slightly more realistic in that he keeps his own interests in mind while continuing the traditional good guy course of focusing mostly on the heroine, but this character is rare. Because of its rarity it makes the good guy seem even more extreme and perfect because we grow to expect it. 

We read these books to get entertainment, to experience something we would otherwise never experience, and to fall in love with our dream guy. Without our classic good guy these stories wouldn't be nearly as interesting or worthwhile to us. We need our extreme good guy to dream about until we can find our own substitute love interest in real life. The good guy is what makes these stories so amazing and addicting. Without them, our books just wouldn't be the same.
Thanks so much to Nic from DeLibrarie for reminding us why nice can be so much sweeter! Make sure to read about all 20 Bachelors here and go vote for your favorites!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

YA Bachelor: Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome from Alyssa from Readers Unite

While you browsing the guys for YA Bachelor month, Alyssa from Readers Unite put together a guest post on the many merits of the YA bad boy!

We were introduced to the first authentic “bad boy” in Grease, the ever-popular 1978 musical. Danny was the type of guy who rode a motorcycle (or had a really cool car), smoked and drank, wore a heavy chain and them dark sunglasses, fixed machinery with his gang, and dated girls left and right. He had the gelled-back black hair, the dark eyes, and the leather jacket. He was the epitome of Tall, Dark and Handsome and he knew it. He was the type of guy everyone would either fawn over or would run straight away from. Danny broke hearts and he thought only of himself. He set the mold of everyone’s favourite stereotype: the bad boy.
John Travolta as Danny

Bad boys are found on every corner in YA. Everyone loves them, including their heroines. Why? What’s so attractive about boys who don’t listen and who do whatever they want? For starters, they are attractive. They’re also usually pretty protective and helpful, if you get under their layers. Most bad boys in YA lit nowadays seem to want someone to love them, making them even more interesting – what girl doesn’t want to crack the confused angel-looking guy?
Dimitri from Vampire Academy
Something things all bad boys have in common are their incapability to follow rules. Ky, from Matched, is the perfect example. He doesn’t believe in the rules of his society so what does he do? He breaks them and follows his own. To adults, he’s the perfect criminal. To teenage girls he’s got a fresh mind and a fresh outlook. Another thing they all have in common? Scars, be them physical or emotional. All bad boys have had some tragedy in their past, something to effect them emotionally or physically. This, in fact, is pretty much key – bad boys must be scarred in some way.

There are three types of bad boys. The three are interchangeable and can be combined, but there are three distinctive types:

Type A: He’s badass and has a dangerous reputation.
Type A’s are popular in YA paranormals. Take Dimitri from VA for example: people call him a god and stay away from him because he’s twenty-seven and has more marks then most grown dhampirs. Guys like him are powerful, physically dangerous, and are sexy enough to be breaking hearts everywhere, even without trying. There’s a reason everyone warns you away from him – he’s not exactly trust-worthy and you never quite know what he’s thinking. The required:
  • Dark hair/eyes or very light hair/eyes
  • A well-worn jacket (preferably leather, but cowboy jackets work, too ;))
  • Abs or other sculpted muscles
  • A motorcycle!!!
  • Great height
  • Usually scarred
  • Training in combat
  • A weapon (stakes are popular, but guns work, too)
Examples: Damon, Dimitri, Jace, Ash, Four, Patch, Pietr, Gale, Emmett, David, Nick, Ren (a whole bunch, huh?)

Type B: He’s scarred from his past.
Something monumental happened in the past, maybe something that has changed his view of life and something that has made him put up walls around his heart. Usually, Type B’s have some connection to Type A’s, and vise versa. These type of guys are the tough ones, the ones that don’t let people in and who ace in verbal combat, if not physical, too. These guys are the brooders, the thinkers, the serious. They’re tough-guy facade hides their hurt. The requirements:
  • Sarcasm
  • Lots of pent-up anger
  • Any facial/physical quality, but they’re usually dark haired/dark eyed
  • Usually have a scar
  • Have a motorcycle
  • Are shady
  • Aren’t really trust-worthy

Examples: Luc, Christian, Graves, Shane, Jonah, Alex from both Delirium and Perfect Chemistry

Type C: he uses girls to distract him from his problems
The only thing you have to be in danger of when you’re around this type of bad boy is your heart. These boys are playboys and will stop at nothing to get your heart. Why are they classified as bad boys? Because these guys are hot and they know it, and they flip through girls (until they find their “special someone,” that is) like readers flip through pages. These guys are the ones parents warn their girls away from; these are the guys that are a danger to the most crucial part of the body – the heart. Requirements:
  • Usually blond with blue eyes/dark haired with dark eyes
  • Tall and handsome
  • A little “shady”
  • Usually rich
  • Gorgeous car/clothes
  • Usually older than heroine
Examples: Wesley, Puck, Conrad, Max, Zane, Tod

I love me them bad boys. I really, really do. I think they’re layered characters, I think they’re intelligent and deep. Sure, the cliché is used in YA in nearly every novel, but honestly? People write bad boys because it works so well. My favourite YA bad boys were listed above. Who are yours?

Check out other bad boys at Down the Rabbit Hole before the end of YA Bachelor Month!
Thanks so much to Alyssa of Readers Unite. Make sure to go vote for your favorite guys! Polls close July 30th. Go here to check out all the bachelors and here to vote!